
10:32 AM | 01-06-2019

This summer am feeling fatigued a lot... I eat 2 cooked meals only, eat a lot of fruits and veg juice daily. But still low on energy many days... Does this mean i need to further up my raw portion... Some ideas would be helpful!

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6 Answers

03:07 PM | 01-06-2019
  • These are the foods that are milder and not excessive in flavor (spicy, hot or salty). Therefore, the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco should be minimized. Cold and iced drinks should be avoided, especially, during or after meals so as to maintain the Jatharagni (digestive fire). However, warm water or herbal tea can be used during the meal.

  • If you are suffering from problems of fatigue, avoid excessive or physically demanding exercises. Always exercise at half of your stamina. Yoga can be beneficial. Breathing exercises (Pranayama) can also be helpful. Breathe deeply and rhythmically to strengthen the respiration system.

  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. The fresher your food is, the more nutrients you’ll get into your body. Manage good sound sleep. Avoid sleeping at day time. Manage stress level.

11:13 AM | 02-06-2019

It is peak summer in most parts of India and with increasing temperature the risk of dehydration makes you feel lethargic and tired

  • Seasonal foods can help you enjoy a rainbow of colourful fruits and veggies as it provides all the essential vitamins and minerals.
  • It is important to remain hydrated ie start your day with one or two glasses of water and at least 8 glasses during the whole day.Avoid sugar drinks and caffeine, tea , coffee.
  • Foods like banana,cayenne peppers,nuts and dried fruits,apples, watermelons, mangoes,amla, walnuts and spinach should be taken.
  • Avoid spicy,fried and acidic foods and at last moderation is the golden rule.

11:11 AM | 02-06-2019

I agree that season variation cause changes in our appetite and physical stamina . In summers we get tired easily because of easy dehydration of body which also leads to decreased appetite. To cope up with this i would suggest you to drink lot of water, take vitamin C rich fruits and veggies. Eat salad along with your meal.

09:34 AM | 03-06-2019

Switch to one cooked oilfree grain free dinner Mayuri.. that’s the best body can manage. Others have told the rest. Cooked is not food. We just eat it for satisfaction. We need to eat what the body needs more in a day than what the tongue needs. Be blessed 

09:03 AM | 02-06-2019

The reason for fatigue is mainly lack of vitality. 

You may boost your vitality by 


1 Refuce the load on your digestive system by consuming more of fresh fruits and veggies. 


2 Reduce the amount of cooked cereals and pulses and substitute it with sprouts and salads. 


3 Keep yourself well hydrated. Watermelon is very hydrating and good to beat the heat. 


4 Avoid going out into the hot sun during the peak hours of the day. When ever you go out, keep your head covered. 


5 Wear cool loose fitting cotton clothes . Khadi is very cooling .


6 Sleep well and be rested.


Be healthy be happy always.


Swati Dhariwal 


08:20 PM | 02-06-2019

Hi Mayuri. Yes, increasing raw is definitely 1 step you can take. But given that I know you are generally quite mindful on the food side of things, I would say take a re-look at the physical & mental rest aspect. Sleep is one part of the story, but even during the rest of the day you can try to deactivate more often. Let's say once every 2 hours, take a break - close ur eyes & relax, deep breathe, do neck & shoulder rotation exercises, stretch ur body. Or practice affirmations, speak positive words or sentences aloud. Sit in the morning sun & do deep breathing. Find your 'me' time, slow down, avoid being always on the run.   

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