
09:50 AM | 03-06-2019

What to do if you’re suffering from long standing constipation and flatulence and bloating all the time. Despite having a set diet of increased fibre and more water and doing all the Ayurveda techniques. Yet it’s never been relived. Kindly give some long lasting remedies. Not the laxatives. Have tried all of them

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3 Answers

04:04 PM | 03-06-2019

Doc, it’s a valid question. A person who is constipated initially on a healthy regime would not be able to eliminate the old putrid waste because they would have formed multiple layers and dried up. So when the diet starts, the walls generate mucus and starts releasing them. However, they are still hard enough to be eliminated naturally. Hence whether it’s an Ayurvedic spa / naturopathy, enema has to start 2-3 days after putting them on a healthy regime. It also gives another opportunity from below to soften them and continue to get that dehydrated waste out. Without enema for a month, such experiences are natural imo. In nature cure also enema is recommended but not for the reason of clearing the constipation, but to help the body release the old junk out. So in a nutshell, start enema and continue daily for a month. It’s better the person stays on liquids for 3 days to start with. Also apply a cold pack on the abdomen, sunbath, sitz bath till the navel.. all these will help in some blood circulation too. Be blessed 

04:03 PM | 03-06-2019

Constipation Occurs mainly due to lack of fiber, not drinking enough water, Physical Inactivity, using medicaitons and aging.

To Get Relieve from Constipation Naturally try below Steps:

1. Take 4 Tomatoes, wash it throughly and blend it in a mixer.

2.Filter the Tomato juice or directly drink 1 glass of tomato juice.

As Tomotoes contain 86% of fiber in it body get enough fiber.

3. Do Exercise Daily and Drink atleast 3 Liters of Water everyday.

Use only Indian Toilet instead of Westen Style.

04:02 PM | 03-06-2019

1. Green vegetables juice daily, specially leafy vegetables will be much better. Start your day with green juice.
2. Avoid drinking water one hour before meals and two hour after meals.
3. Only fruits breakfast.
4. Reduce cooked food to dinner only.
5. Enema of plain water for 30 days.

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