
07:56 PM | 02-06-2019

From the last 1 week, I'm not able to sleep at all in the night. It is because my routine has been hampered from past 2 months due to my exams preparation for which I remain awake late at night. How to overcome this?

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3 Answers

09:33 AM | 03-06-2019

As you said, your cycle has been disturbed for the past few months. It will take a few days for you to come back to routine, so be patient.

You could try these steps to wind down

- Listen to soothing music 

- Meditate or do deep breathing before sleeping

- Write down the thoughts in your head so they are not running around in your head

- Do not eat anything heavy 2 or 3 hours before bed time

- No TV or mobile before bed time , preferably an hour before too

- Keep your feet in warm water for 15 minutes or so

- Make sure you get an hour of sunlight exposure everyday to reset your circadian cycle

- Make sure to darken your room with dark curtains and sleep with the windows open


09:32 AM | 03-06-2019

Late night studies disturb your natural sleep cycle especially when you continue it for months. Teenagers need 7-8 hours of sleep in a day and any alterations in sleep pattern distorts the REM sleep cycle stages. Every cycle is for 90-100 minutes and human body repeats 4-5 cycles.
Consequences of this disturbed sleep pattern can be irritation, tiredness, lack of energy and reduced appetite. 

You must follow below mentioned methods to overcome this
•Before going to bed wash your hands and feet properly with warm water and then apply a drop of sesame oil to soles of your feet and palms of your hand. Gently massage it for 10 minutes via rubbing. This will relax your body and brain and will prevent brain hyperactivity.
•Nature's method has always been the best that will naturally recover your sleep pattern. Get involved in exercise and physical activity, let your body sweat. You are definitely going to have a deep sleep 
•Maintainance of diet is must.Dry fruits , fruits and vegetables must be included in your diet 

09:31 AM | 03-06-2019

Anxiety of the uncertain is a common reason for adrenaline to kick in and hamper the production of harmones / give you peace. I did experience the same as a student as I always was behind marks and I believed that if I don’t slog the night, I would forget. So sleep was not in my schedule at all. Over the yrs, I also fell sick due to my anxiety and constant high expectations for myself. So looking back, it’s natural that you are experiencing this, but you can relax as long as you know you worked hard to play your side of the role as a student. Leave the rest to god / universe for its outcome. Study your ass off and sleep like you are ok for any outcome. If you gave your best shot, you have nothing to worry. Worst case you might lose some marks becoz the person who corrected it did not have patienceto read long answers. Either way, leave the rest to the universe and learn to relax. Do something else that u love doing as it can take ur mind away for sometime. What is not in ur control, there is no use thinking about it. Slow that adrenals and let the body do its job. You are not in a fight / flight mode anymore. Relax ! 

Wanted to quote  Sri Krishna from his teachings from Srimad Bhagavadgita

कर्मण्ये वाधिका रस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। 
मा कर्म फल हेतु र्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्व कर्मणि॥

Karmanye vadhika raste, Ma phaleshu kadachana
Ma karma phala he tur bhuh, ma te sangotsva karmanye

It means doing the karma is your job. Studying is your job. Giving exams is your job. Results are not. So anxiety won’t help. Bcoz it was not your job to work on the outcome and know the results . So whether ur anxious or no, results will not change. Anxiety is not going to keep you healthy. So is better to remain calm and healthy to face the outcome. Hope this is clear. 

Be blessed 

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