
03:42 PM | 03-06-2019

Are probiotic drinks like Yakult good for health?

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2 Answers

04:59 PM | 03-06-2019

Dairy + sugar + artificial preservatives + plastic bottle :-)

Anything artificial you put in the body, the body wastes its energy & resources to assimilate it. 

Having it once in a while? - Don't worry about it. Body has great coping abilities. It will deal with it if your overall lifestyle is moderate.

Having it regularly to get the right bacteria? - Switch to natural fruits, veggies in daily routine. Your gut flora will flourish. You can also try some natural probiotics instead - kanji - zingy probiotic drink

04:02 PM | 03-06-2019

No, IMO probiotics are just stale food. Your body is made up of trillions of microbiomes that consist of good bacteria fungi yeast etc that are protecting many parts of the body including the gut. They guard us like soldiers. When we feed them the wrong foods, they start dying and a bad bacteria or virus takes its place not to protect, but to harm. Probiotics are a fancy word for food that is not fresh and filled with bacteria that came to decompose it as the food started dying. However someone decided to make money from it and said it’s a super good that helps fill the missing bacteria on the gut. Well, it takes time for the body to adjust who this not so harmful being is, but they will surely realize they are not the same bacteria that was there for protection.

Have fresh fruits greens and vegetables to rebuild the gut flora, not probiotics / fermented food. Fermented was never a part of ancient Indian food. We always had Satvik food and avoided all the food that’s not fresh and more than 3-4 hrs old because it would dirty the body mind and spirit and hence such toxic body will Obstruct their spiritual growth.

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