
10:27 AM | 26-02-2021

Hello, I am suffering from ulcerative colitis and IBS from 2012. I'm on medication from 9 years but still I'm not perfectly fine. I don't have bleeding now but still sometimes my stool frequency changes when I eat some different foods. Pls guide me.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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2 Answers

01:01 PM | 01-03-2021

Hello Mukesh, 

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel syndrome. It usually results due to malfunctioning of our immune system.
In ulcerative colitis, patient experiences increased frequency of motion, mucous with stool, weight loss, weakness, etc.


In ulcerative colitis, it is very important to have a proper diet.

  • Start your day with a glass of water with lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism. 
  • Eat sprouts, nuts and dry fruits.
  • Drink one cup of bottle guard juice in the the morning. 
  • Include Vitamin C in diet like eat one amla daily or have juices like lemon juice or orange juice, have blueberries. 
  • Drink sufficient water during the day. 
  • Boil the water, add half spoon turmeric in it. Then have this drink at night.
  • Say no to alcohol and tobacco as they will make the condition worse.
  • Avoid tea and coffee. 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. 

 Yoga and meditation  

Yoga and meditation has the power to heal every health issue.

  • Start by doing sukshma vyayama like neck rotations, wrist rotations, knee bending, etc.
  • Perform suryanamaskar daily. 
  • Do kapalbhati pranayam daily as it will help to improve the digestive  functions. 
  • Walk barefoot on grass early in the morning.  


Sleeping is essential to relieve the stress and also to maintain the circadian rhythm. Hence, take a proper sleep of atleast 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. 

Thank you 

11:32 AM | 26-02-2021

Dear Mukesh,

Thanks for sharing your query with us! IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic digestive problem. We do appreciate that it is a troublesome condition and does start affecting one's day-to-day functioning. This issue has often been discussed on our platform and we also have some resources that we would like to share with you. Before that, please consider this - as per nature cure, the main root cause of all kinds of disease or discomfort is TOXAEMIA - accumulation of un-eliminated toxins within the body.  While some toxins are an output of metabolism, others are added due to an unnatural lifestyle – wrong food habits, lack of rest, stress etc. If not eliminated, the toxins get built up and cause diseases. While the body has an innate capacity to get rid of the toxins, it needs to be supported by way of providing it with the right inputs. 

Adopting a natural lifestyle will help you reclaim your skin health. We suggest you take a personal consultation with our Natural Health Coach who can understand your background better & suggest the way forward. You can explore our  Natural Health Coaching Program for the same. The Natural Health Coach will guide you on diet, sleep, exercise, stress, etc to correct your existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws. Let us know if you are interested.

In the meanwhile, you may want to explore the following resources:

  1. Blog

  2. Real-life natural healing stories of people who cured digestive issues just by following Natural Laws

Wishing you good health!

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