
05:54 AM | 05-06-2019

While performing hala asana, I got my stomach muscle stretched due to which I'm unable to continue with yoga. Suggest some remedies for this.

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6 Answers

06:57 AM | 05-06-2019

Any asana has to be done step by step and not for the sake of doing it. For halasana to happen, you must have done all the bending exercises regularly without bending your knees and not have a pull/ pain. If you have directly gone to halasana and stayed in that pose longer, any muscle can stretch. 

Either way, it’s best to leave the body to rest and wait to do anything till it restores normalcy on its own. They relax. Have raw fruits and veg juices to hydrate the body and let the muscles loosen up. Don’t force the muscle to loosen using some oils etc because sometimes a wrong massage can worsen it. Wait with patience and it will be ok. Don’t do any asana till it is ok. If you have been suffering with some conditions, apply caution before you do such asana. Best is to perfect the art of consistently doing surya namaskara for 30 mins and enjoy the fatigue it causes. That flexibility can overtime be used for doing others imo. 

03:16 PM | 05-06-2019

Before practicing any asana a quick warm up is required halasana is an inverted yoga posture It's not a beginner friendly either,one needs to have a good connection between the body and mind.This plow pose gives great no of benefits but needs to be done with good precision. Avoid halasana if you are suffering from slipped disc, severe pain and injury in back or neck,enlarged thyroid,hernia, cervical pains and heart conditions.
To prevent the stretching one should be hydrated beforehand and should do a slight warmup.

03:18 PM | 05-06-2019

This response is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC). 
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended. In PNC, the causal analysis is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study this series.

Samriddhi, you must rest yourself well to reverse your problem. 
Any accident or sudden strain, enervates the body suddenly which causes reduced elimination by the body. 
Reduced elimination means accumulation of toxin within the body and specific part of the body, in case of accidents. 
With conscious, consistent, conservation of the VITALITY, the body throws out the toxins and relieves the body from strain and discomforts naturally. 

You must not try to overule the body's voice of stopping you to do Yogasanas, for now. 
You must rest physically, physiologically and psychologically to assist body to expel the toxins. 

Thank you...

11:24 AM | 05-06-2019

My suggestion, before doing any asana, always do a small warmup so that your system will get flexible. Take a deep breathe and relax yourself.

Take yoga mat, be on the position.

Move the body slowly and gently while following the steps.

Avoid practicing Halasana in case you suffer from any of this condition:Slipped disc, severe pain or injury in back or neck, hernia, sciatica, enlarged thyroid, spleen or liver, cervical problems, heart conditions or frequent headaches.

Have some fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts to gain enough energy.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

03:17 PM | 05-06-2019

If you have just started doing Yoga then Halasan is not for you. Try Paschimottanasana first. If you can do it properly then you can do Halasan too.

Don't stretch your body too much more than it allows you to do. While doing any Asana, try to keep the position for at least one minute at the point at which the pain just starts to begin.

In Paschimottanasana if you can't touch your feet, it's fine. Stay in that position for at least one minute. Then repeat it few more times. Just don't bend your knee (unlike Jon Snow 😂). Try to keep your posture correct.


09:03 AM | 06-06-2019

Thanks that GOT reference definitely helped me understand better😂


03:16 PM | 05-06-2019

Listen to your body and take rest please. Be on high raw diet till you heal from the pain. Be gentle with your poses and do it the right way without attempting difficult asanas in th e beginning.  All the best

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