
06:50 PM | 05-06-2019

Whats are the benefits of eating brown sugar over white sugar?

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6 Answers

07:34 AM | 06-06-2019

This response is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended. In PNC, the causal analysis is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study this series.

Hi Subham,

There is no benefit from either!
We could arrive at the point that brown is better than white due to its less processing.
But the fact is brown might be less harmful than white and both are harmful in terms of consuming our VITALITY.
Poison is always a poison and cannot be recommended, whatever the intensity it may carry in it.

The sweetness, directly from Nature takes the least VITALITY in the digestion and assimilation process.
Hence, please opt the unprocessed forms of sweetness, as much as possible.

Thank you...

10:39 PM | 05-06-2019

What is the difference between white and brown sugar?

  1. White sugar is the more processed one, it includes the removal of molasses . Brown sugar has molasses in it which gives it a brown colour . Because of molasses present in it, it has slightly  higher contents of potassium,  calcium,  magnesium and iron. 
  2. White sugar has small amount of sulphur present in it . Sulphur is  used for it's purification process .

  The nutritional values of both the sugars do not have significant difference .
Both the sugars are less beneficial than  jaggery .

10:38 PM | 05-06-2019


Both  are processed products. If you need to use a sweetener go for whole foods like dates, raisins etc. 


The best source of sugar for the body would be fresh seasonal local ripe fruits. The sugar from the fruits are easily assimilated into our system. And having good quantity of fruits will overcome your craving for processed sweets. 


Be healthy be happy always 


Swati Dhariwal 




07:33 AM | 06-06-2019

Brown  bread  that  you buy  from mini marts like harvest gold , English oven  etc  are  not made up of (atta  )wheat flour . They are  made up of  refined  wheat flour (maida) having  brown  sugar melted  that gives them color .  That means they have   more of fats added ,  But  brown  bread or  whole wholewheat  bread from bakery  ( that are hard not that soft)  are true brown  breads . The  ones which we buy(  white bread )from harvest are  made up of refined wheat flour are better that brown  bread from harvest.

07:33 AM | 06-06-2019

None. When you compare processed foods against one another, then compared to one, the other may seem better, but when you compare them to natural food, both are not good. 

07:31 AM | 06-06-2019

The Main benefit of having brown sugar over white sugar is that it is less refined and has less calories where as white sugar is pure carbohydrates .
But if you want to substitute white sugar with brown sugar for weight loss then I will suggest you to use " honey " because it's natural sweetener and provides other health benefits also. 

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