
12:54 PM | 07-05-2021

How to get rid of cough and cold for ever? Please help

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2 Answers

03:36 PM | 10-05-2021

Hello Sidharth,

Cough and cold is a response of the body against infections and toxins. It may occur as a result of seasonal changes also. The inflammation due to the infection leads to headache and heaviness in the eyes and head. 

Here are some tips to follow to manage it-

Some tips 

  • Put 2 drops of mustard oil in both the nostrils in the morning. This will help to remove the excess cough from the nasal passage.
  • Take steam with pudina leaves twice a day.
  • Have herbal tea in the morning.


  • Have a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice in it. It has antioxidant properties and will help to flush the toxins out of the body.
  • Have only plant-based natural foods in the diet.
  • Avoid dairy and animal products as they are not meant for the human digestive system and hence results in the accumulation of toxins which leads to pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. 
  • Say no to smoking and alcohol.
  • Drink coconut water. 

Physical activity 

Exercising or yoga is essential for a good blood circulation in the body and also it helps to flush the toxins from the body.

  • Start the day with a short morning walk. 
  • Do suryanamaskar daily. 
  • Practice anulom-vilom and kapalbhati pranayam daily. 
  • Take the early morning sunrays daily. 


Sleeping quality is very essential for a healthy body. It helps to maintain circadian rhythm and hence hormonal balances. 

So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. 

Thank you 

01:52 PM | 07-05-2021

Dear Sidharth,

We do appreciate your concern! Please try to understand your health condition from Nature Cure perspective -

As per Nature Cure, toxic ​​​​​​overload is the basic root cause of all diseases. Due to insufficient elimination of toxins (via kidneys, skin & lungs) the body gets clogged and the toxins cause inflammation of tissues. Cold is basically inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. When the toxic load within the body is too high, the body opens up the mucous membranes to drain out the toxins via the mucous. This is what we perceive as phlegm (which is actually mucus mixed with white blood cells, and any remnants of tissue destruction and other toxins) which makes its way out through discharge from the nose, eyes, ears. Cold is an action initiated by the body in its attempt to throw out toxins and get back to balance.

As our body tries to eliminate toxins, we need to support it by providing the right inputs like natural food, good rest/sleep, relaxed mind etc. Therefore, we recommend you to align your lifestyle as per Natural Laws and you will be surprised to see how beautifully the body heals itself. You can also explore our Natural Health Coaching Program that can help her in making the transition, step by step. Our Natural Health Coach will look into your routine in a comprehensive way and give you an action plan. She/he will guide you to correct your existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws. Please let us know if you are keen to explore. 

In the meantime, here are some suggested resources for you:

Blogs -

Real-life natural healing stories of people who cured cold/respiratory issues just by following Natural Laws.  

 Wishing you good health!

Team Wellcure

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