
02:13 PM | 06-06-2019

What is the reason behind dark circles under the eyes and how we can remove these dark circles?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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8 Answers

06:09 PM | 06-06-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study this series.

Hi Ms Kaur,

We need to understand the peripheral experience is not the end of anything!
There is always something beneath to explore...

We often get obsessed with the instant remedies of the visible symptomatic health issues! We need to hold back ourselves from the instant correction (read, remedies) and delve deeper to explore the CAUSE behind this superficial evolution of the health issues.

Dark circle around the eyes is not just pigmentation! It talks about the over-engagement of our VITALITY in different unnecessary tasks that we chose for ourselves knowingly or unknowingly!
One needs to disengage VITALITY from unwanted engagements in terms of Physical, Physiological and Psychological tasks to reverse the problem.

Basically, due to over-stress, the body is unable to expel toxin through its normal routes and the skin around eyes are chosen by the body for theaccumulation of waste matters. Whenever the stress from all the 3 domains (Physical, Physiological and Psychological) is reduced, the body will expel the waste matters through effective metabolism and the dark circles would go away.

The above is the general recommendation, I would definitely appreciate you to opt an analytical specific evaluation of your lifestyle by a Nature Cure diagnostician/practitioner so that the reversal can be faster.

Thank you...

09:07 PM | 06-06-2019

Dark circles are often the result of extreme stress and sleep deprivation. They are an indication that your body is heavily stressed and needs to rest and heal. 
I would suggest following a proper sleep schedule to make up for the lost sleep and adjusting your Circadian Rhythm first. It will lead to a more productive day and lessen the amount of stress.
You can also put cucumber over your eyes. It's cool and natural properties will soothe your eyes and relax them. Do this for atleast 20 minutes everyday and you will definitely see results in a few days.

06:08 PM | 06-06-2019

Dark circle under yes eyes it is increasing day by day to many people due to various reason.

One main thing is lack of hydration. Not drinking enough water as per body height and weigh. Per day 2 to 3 liters of water to be consumed to a normal human body.
Lack of sleep is one of the major reason too which leads to Sleep deprivation. Can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing for dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to show. Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes, causing them to appear puffy. As a result, the dark circles you see may actually be shadows cast by your puffy eyelids.

Mainitning poor life style. Working in Night shift, Watching Television in short distance, seeing mobile for longer period, and seeing/working undercomputer or laptop for longer period will cause dark circle.

If you are taking any allopathy medication for a longer period and which is high dose will give such side affects as well.

You can overcome this dark circle slowly by adopting natural way of ilfe style.

Drink more water, eat fresh water content fruits like pears, water melon, pomegranate and much more.

Before going to bed, apply 2 drops of coconut oil or almond virgin one under the eyelids ( dark circle) also keep potato slice or cucumber slice before going to bed. If you follow this regularly in 2 months of time you will good results.


06:06 PM | 06-06-2019

With the help of cotton apply a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice, on the dark circles beneath the eyes. Allow it to stand for 10 minutes then rinse off.
Freeze tea bag and then apply on the affected area.
Taking proper sleep will help the most.
Avoid eye contact on the screen for prolonged period of time.


09:08 PM | 07-06-2019

Dark circles are often believed to be a resultant of improper sleep, underlying due stress and interrupted circadian cycle.
First of all you need to regulate your daily schedule.make sure you get proper sunlight ,fresh air and obviously sleep.

Second major thing that can induce dark circles is your diet. Try to add more of water in your diet which will increase circulation of blood in the body. Eat green vegetables and avoid dairy products which can block toxin in your body.

Lastly try to connect to nature with help of meditation and yoga . Allow your body to heal itself naturally. It can give wonderful results.
Do what makes you happy and calm.
Thank you.

06:09 PM | 06-06-2019

Reasons could be many.. too much computer work or mobile time, not getting enough rest, stress, eating wrong foods, too much-cooked foods, medications etc..

I too had dark circles, I thought it was heredity. I noticed that after I removed dairy from my vegetarian diet, after a couple of months I was rid of it. Basically it is a sign of toxicity in the body. A clean diet improves the skin tone overall.

06:06 PM | 06-06-2019

Take a regular sleep for 6 to 8 hours 

11:57 AM | 10-06-2019

Some people have dark circles due to their genes because of which they have a very thin layer of skin around their eyes so their blood vessels show. Other reasons may include inadequate sleep, infections etc.

Cotton pads dipped in tomato and potato juice works well in whitening them.
Cucumber slices helps in reducing any kind of swelling there.

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