
04:37 PM | 27-05-2021

I have pain in finger and toes joints since a few months. I had vitamin deficiencies - hemoglobin, B12, D. After taking all the vitamins since past 3 months I am still not feeling any difference. Can you suggest a solution?

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2 Answers

04:58 PM | 03-06-2021

Hello Jyoti,

Vitamin deficiency means you are not getting enough vitamins to stay healthy.
Vitamin B12 is also necessary for the body as it also has its own importance. It helps to make your DNA and red blood cells. And you have to take Vitamin B12 on a regular basis as the body doesn't store it for long.

Hb deficiency leads to a condition which is called as the anaemia. Hb is the protein in your RBCs that is responsible for carrying oxygen to your tissues and it occurs when your body doesn't have enough of the mineral iron.


You can get Vitamins in the following ways

Start the day with 3 to 4 glasses of warm water to flush out the toxins from your body.

Have cereals in your breakfast. Breakfast cereals will help the body to get Vitamin D.

Have orange juice.

Include soy drinks in your diet.

Take sufficient sunlight.

Have plant-based yoghurt for vitamin B12.

Also include sprouts, nuts, beans and salads in your diet.


Sometimes vitamin and mineral deficiency may also result due to the inability of the body to absorb the vitamins as in malabsorption syndrome. Yoga and exercise will help the body to absorb the nutrients efficiently. 

  • Take short walks after every meal.
  • Perform kapalbhati pranayam. 
  • Perform tada asana, vriksha asana, trikona asana and padahasta asana.
  • Do 10 to 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. 


Sleep is also important for the proper functioning of the body. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. 

Avoid using electronic devices 1hour before sleeping for a good quality sleep. 

Thank you 

04:58 PM | 03-06-2021

Hello Jyoti,

Yes, our digestion and bad eating habits are also part of the same as the body is made of nutrients itself. The main thing to take care of, diet is to increase our iron and vitamin B12 intake. In your case, though a bad diet is also one of the cause as it increases malabsorption. Our body has the power to regenerate only if we provide our body with the right type of nutrients, by following a natural lifestyle you not only correct the deficiency but also treat yourself well with correct nutrients and overall health problems.


  • Eating food that has a high amount of proteins are legumes, nuts like almonds, walnuts, etc.
  • Seeds like chia, pumpkin, and flax seeds are also necessary for increasing vitamin B12 levels.
  • Coconut water and even eating shredded coconut an almonds is found to be very beneficial for vitamins.
  • Spinach, jaggery water and dates help in increasing iron content.


Here is some exercise that you can start for your hair and scalp health.

  • The practice of regular brisk walking and Surya namaskar increase blood circulation in all the areas and helps in treating deficiency.


While massaging your hair what you can do is close your eyes, and visualize your hair becoming stronger and shinier making it healthy. You can take a deep breath, start healthy music in the background you can feel the blood circulation getting a boost.


Having a sound 7-8 hours of sleep is helpful in treating anybody's problem, a healthy sleep leads to a healthy mind and body. So make sure you are free your room from any gadgets an hour before sleep so you get a radiation-free room and a good tension-free sound sleep.

Hopefully, this will help you

Thank you

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