
09:15 AM | 01-01-2019

Is sleeping in night with a light on a good idea? Does it interfere with our sleep?

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3 Answers

11:10 AM | 19-11-2018

Yes, complete darkness is very important during sleep.  Infact more wired we are to gadgets, white lights, TVs etc the more difficulty the brain has in falling asleep quickly and deeply. Thus for optimum health it is advised that you should start winding down in the evening. Create ambient lighting at home. Create no TV zones, where you can spend some quality family time.  Ideally the night meal and the time until sleep should be relaxing, no TV times.

During sleep, if you want to keep some night lamp on for the child, do so but switch off as soon as they are asleep.

Even during periods of illness, make sure you are resting enough and in darkness. Doing so will ensure your recovery is faster as body gets the right environment to repair and restore.

11:09 AM | 19-11-2018

Sleep is very essential to the body and this needs to occur in darkness. 

Night lights are not a good idea both for adults or children, it is not the same as sleeping in darkness. Even if a baby / anyone else in the room needs the light while falling asleep this needs to be turned off as soon as he is asleep. 

Light triggers the nervous system keeping it active, this diverts blood to the brain instead of the liver and the filtration of blood slows down. 

The minimum need for sleep in the body is 8 hours a night. If you are napping during the day because you have not made up the 8 hours, you need to sleep in darkness. If your nap is over and above the 8 hours it can be darkness or light based on what you prefer. 

Pls do note, that if you have light emitting from gadgets or ACs even those interfere, so do make an effort to cover them up.

02:36 PM | 03-09-2018

Sleep is the most essential aspect of our health.  Interestingly its also the most ignored. Unable to cut down any time from the million things we want to do, we immediately cut down our sleep hours thinking our body will adjust. We often fail to realise there is a lot that happens during the sleep period. The body is infact full at work. Have you ever wondered why we wake up refreshed and happy when we have had a good night’s sleep? Its mainly cause only in sleep does body focus majorly on restoring, repairing, building and cleaning up. If we allow enough sleeping hours to body, our body continues to display good health despite many imbalances in our other inputs.

Its important to know that our deepest sleep happens during the darkest times. Thus sleeping in light is not same as sleeping in complete darkness.

When we see light, either from the phone or the lamp, our brain continues to be in active mode, unable to focus on other important tasks.

And due to this you may not wake up feeling refreshed, and full of energy.

So yes, to your question it is of utmost importance to sleep in complete darkness.

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