
08:41 PM | 06-06-2019

Hii..... Can anyone suggest me any natural remedy to remove warts.?

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3 Answers

02:39 PM | 07-06-2019

Hi. Warts have been discussed on Wellcure Q&A before. You may read that Q&A thread here.

06:17 PM | 07-06-2019

Applying Potato Juice has been found to be very helpful in cases of warts.

Cut a potato into a slice and rub it on warts. Do it for 15-20 minutes, continuing to do it twice a day. 

 After 10-15 days, you will see results. It will also help in stopping regrowth of warts.

03:03 PM | 07-06-2019

This is becoming common nowadays that warts are appearing to many people due to not maintaining good cholesterol in their body. Due to the high increase of bad cholesterol Warts occur when the virus comes in contact with your skin and causes an infection.

Have a healthy diet and lifestyle, keep monitoring on your body fats on regular checkups will be helpful.

Let see some natural remedy to heal Warts:

Take a raw papaya
Cut it into slices
Take one slice
Crush it
Extract its juice
Take a piece of cotton
Soak it in the juice
Apply it over the affected area
Wrap it with a bandage
Let it stand overnight
Remove the bandage next  morning
Take a pumice stone
Rub the area gently with it
Apply coconut oil over the area
Repeat this process daily

This will help them to become soft and fall on its own.


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