
05:39 AM | 07-06-2019

Hi there. I wanted to know of any natural remedies for stomach cramps during menses especially on the 1st day..... Many thanks.

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3 Answers

08:54 PM | 07-06-2019
  • Place a hot water bottle or heating pad against the abdomen to relax muscles and relieve cramps.
  • Gentle exercise like simple walk and yoga may help but avoid vigorous ones.
  • Massage of the abdomen.
  • Herbal teas are warm and soothing.
  • Some dietary changes can be made like eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables,nuts,lean protein and whole grains must be there.Increasing the intake of fluids such as water and herbal teas which helps the body to remain hydrated as dehydration is a common cause of muscle cramps also it is best to cut out on unnecessary salt which can cause bloating and fluid retention and caffeine which can have a dehydration effect.


02:47 PM | 07-06-2019

Answers for the same question Can be read in detail here.

06:15 PM | 07-06-2019

The pain during the menstrual period is known as dysmenorrhea.

1. During that time Massage in a circular motion on your abdomen where the pain occurs.It gives a great relief from pain.

2. Put a hot water bottle around the area of the pain.Or you can also try a hot water bath.This remedy is helpful in cases of mild pain.

3. Try some physical exercises such as swimming, aerobics, walking, cycling or jogging to get relief from not  so severe pain. The physical exercise helps in producing chemicals like endorphins which provide instant relief from discomfort.

4. Drink lots of water, get a good amount of sleep, take rest, avoid eating junk foods and try to maintain a well balanced diet consisting of essential minerals and nutrients, do eat  fruits like Pomegranate (chew the fruit juice and spit out its waste) and vegetables.


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