
12:40 PM | 07-06-2019

Suggest some quick and easy to prepare breakfast options for summers.

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2 Answers

02:21 PM | 07-06-2019

Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it's important to have a fulfilling and nutritious breakfast.
1) The best option would be fruits. They are healthy and refreshing. Cut up different types of fruits and have them along with fresh juice. They have vitamins, proteins and fibre which will help clear all the antioxidants from your body and also provide required nutrients.
2) Sprouts are another healthy choice. Sprouts Are rich in folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins C and K. Sprouting process also increases the nutrient content. 
3) Oatmeal is also an option. Cook up a healthy oatmeal and add nuts, raisins and almonds to it for a healthy breakfast. 

02:59 PM | 07-06-2019

Hi Umesh. Quickest, easiest & healthiest as per Natural Laws - Fruits. Eat them as-is, or make fruit smoothies. No restriction on quantity, eat as per hunger. Make sure to eat seasonal & locally available ones only. Eat on an empty stomach & don't mix fruits with anything else.

Eating fruits till noon everyday supports the body's elimination cycle of 4 am - 12 pm, as per the circadian rythm. Since fruits are easy-to-digest, body can conserve energy to focus on eliminating toxins. Toxemia is the main cause of all illnesses. So help your body keep you illness free by having fruits only for breakfast. You will also notice better energy levels at mid day. Try & see.    

Fruits keep you well hydrated & cool also. So best breakfast for summers :-)

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