
10:55 AM | 08-06-2019

Looking to replace my RO. With so much talk about it recently, wonder if there is a natural RO that I can start using?

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2 Answers

05:04 PM | 08-06-2019

Basically what ro purifier does is making your body adapted and used to it so if accidentally or in some circumstances where ro water is not available you drink normal water ,your body doesn't responds nicely to that.you might suffer upset stomach.you would require mineral water every time you are outdoors.
You can opt for normal aqua guard purifier,as it won't make your body less immune.
Our body has it's methods to deal with usual issues.
So I would highly suggest not to go for ro water if there are young children in your home.
Let their immune system build stronger by adapting to nature and creating antibodies .
Our body can heal on itself.
Try to maintain healthy diet and stay connected to nature.
Stay healthy.

05:34 PM | 08-06-2019

Normal purifiers are UV and UF purifiers.where UV purifier uses ultraviolet rays of wavelength 300 nm to 400 nm and UF purifiers uses ultrafilterarion membranes with holes larger than that used in RO purifiers. Whereas RO purifier uses reverse osmosis technique and water passes from semi permeable membrane thus removing all kinds of bacteria viruses and minerals too.
Whereas our body needs this to create antibodies which adds up to immunity of body.


05:14 PM | 08-06-2019

what's the difference b/w aqua guard purifier & RO water?


05:03 PM | 08-06-2019

Boiling kills germs and bacteria present in the water. Boil huge quantities of water early in the day and then keep it in an earthen pot or matka. 
This cools down the water and then makes it drinkable. 
In ancient times people used to keep water in earthen pots and then store them a few metres under the ground. 
This cooled down the water and purified it to a large extent. 
Underground water is mostly pure and fresh. But with increase in ground pollution this source has been exploited. 

06:11 AM | 10-06-2019

We were living in a place where borewell water was available and it was hard water. Those days there was nothing but a filter and that would get clogged too with hard water. So my mom would boil a big container of water like someone here suggested and we drank it all day.
On looking back I was sicker, it did not make me healthier. It did not change my vitality perhaps. Every single time I came to Bangalore and drank regular filter water, i used to have a fever from all
The exposure. I made a vow never to boil water and drink in future. I never do. Like how cooked kills all the good life, boiling kills the good life in water. Virus and bacteria are not the enemies.


05:22 PM | 08-06-2019

My grandmother does it. She keeps it in an earthen pot after boiling. As for the tds content, you can practice distillation where water which after evaporation condenses back to its liquid form but the solid impurities don't and thus the water gets purified.


05:13 PM | 08-06-2019

have u tried this? I don't think boiling can take care of the high TDS in water.


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