
07:08 PM | 28-08-2018

My 3 year old son just vomited. What to do in this kind of situation?

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4 Answers

11:03 AM | 19-11-2018

Vomiting is body’s way of cleansing. Don't force him to eat anything. Let him rest. When he feels hungry, give him his favourite fruit and when he feels thirsty, give him coconut water. Let him take plenty of rest, symptoms will subside on its own.

11:06 AM | 20-09-2018

Vomiting and loose motion both are body’s way of restoring the acid alkaline balance.  It’s an elimination process of the body. In a way body is working well. So do not fear the signal.  During this time, you must support him through ample rest. You will notice he will be low in energy, and most likely wanting to sleep.  So allow him to do so and do not wake him up to feed. His appetite will also be low. So best is to offer fruits or fruit smoothies or home-made fruit juices every time he vomits or after 2 hours, if he is not sleeping.  This will keep him hydrated. And will also ensure his body has some digestive rest.

12:06 PM | 04-09-2018

Cold packs on tummy if the child allows, it also helps to reduce heating and help resting.

03:19 PM | 03-09-2018

Rest rest rest … that’s the key at all 3 levels.  Mental, physical and digestion wise. Concoction of lemon and water in ration of 1:1 also helps.  Lemon is alkalizing in our body, it helps produce saliva which is alkalizing in nature and thus helps the body to restore the acid-alkaline disbalance.  If he doesn’t want to take pure lemon water you could add some honey to it or dilute it.

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