
06:38 AM | 09-06-2019

I take stress about every little thing easily and get anxiety quickly how can i manage my quick anxiety and habbit of taking tension?

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7 Answers

05:57 PM | 09-06-2019

Anxiety and depressions are very common these days. Nobody but you can help yourself overcome this situation.
Practice Yoga and meditation daily.
You may also switch to 'Yog Nidra' which will help you to self analyse your day to day actions.
Go out in parks to refresh your mood and break the monotony.
Stay hydrated and drink lot of liquids
Also, diets play a very crucial role. Consumption of non vegetarian food is associated with increase in restlessness, anxiety and voilent behaviours. Vegetarian diet on the other hand is proven essential for this.

05:58 PM | 09-06-2019

Anxiety and tension come to you when we lack clarity, firstly we need to organise our lives and have a clear goal about whatever we do.

Stress comes in handy whenever we are doing something or thinking about crucial details of life, so now that indicates that you are doing something important which is a good sign as you are moving in life.

Whenever the tension enters in, it is time you work on the practical points, instead of pressure start measuring pros and cons, writing will give you clarity.

Start meditating, writing your goals and always analyse the problem, it will definitely help you overcome anxiety.

05:58 PM | 09-06-2019

Anxiety and stress management is important for living a healthy lifestyle. 
I would advice you to keep calm during stressful situations by thinking that you're capable of overcoming them. Rather than thinking of what will happen if things go wrong, think about the ways you can avoid that by planning and taking the right steps to tackle the situation. 
This all requires keeping a calm head which can be achieved by incorporating excercise, yoga and meditation in your schedule. Journalling or writing a diary entry helps keep your thoughts organised and tempered. It also helps you vent out your anger or worries. 
Eating a healthy diet is also essential. It keeps your body happy which in turn also keeps your mind happy. If you feel healthy you are more likely to have a positive outlook towards life. 

05:57 PM | 09-06-2019

  In this generation, it is very common to be stressed about everything. You are not alone in this situation and there are many others with you. The  fact that you have accepted it is a starting step. The following ways are most effective in overcoming stress and tensed situations.

  1. Spend more time with nature. The more time you interact with it, the more peaceful your mind becomes.
  2. You need to spend time for yourself. Listen to peaceful music and avoid heavy ones.
  3. Change your diet. Avoid meat, eggs and other non vegetarian foods and switch to vegetables mainly. Avoid normal salt and use rock salt.
  4. During stressful situations, always look up to nature because nature always has a  solution to all our problems.
  5. Try to complete all your tasks before hand. Postponing things is the main cause of tension and anxiety and finishing your work before the deadline can cause a great deal of stress relief for you.
  6. Take an oil bath preferably with sesame oil to cool down your body as it is a natural stress reliver.

These tips might be handy to you and I hope you overcome your stress and tension and be happy.

06:14 PM | 10-06-2019

So as you can already learn about how to tackle stress and anxiety by making changes in your daily routines ,your diet ,exercise ,meditation and yoga in previous questions if you will search for stress.
This is something what I've tried and would suggest you to try to ,hope it works for you.

Stress and anxiety leads to restlessness with passage of time so when you're triggered with anxiety or stress all of a sudden you loose your composure. 
Your mind fails to take instant action hence when you're totally blank and not getting what to do now you feel much more depressed.

What you can do is fool your brain by distracting it ,you can start counting back 100 to 1 ,breath in breath out ,or start singing some song loudly , dancing wildly or whatever it takes to make you happy, you can go goofy or do whatever you love to do.

It will give your brain some time to recover the pace and think again about what has been troubling you.
This time you will feel better and realise it wasn't a big deal and you'll find a million of ways to feel positive about your decision. 

Never stop trying ,that's all it will take to fight this disorder.
Thank you.

12:04 PM | 10-06-2019

Stress and anxiety could be a health condition because of a faulty lifestyle and a bad gut. To get that fixed, please follow a high raw whole food plant based lifestyle.

On a emotional level, what you don’t have in your control, will not make things better with you worrying about it isn’t it ?. All it is doing is making you unhealthy. When a human is expecting a tiger attack, it’s anxious and stressed assuming that the tiger can pounce from anywhere. At this point the adrenaline is pumped a lot so that when tiger really comes, you take action and run immediately or do something like fight it  😜. So this adrenaline gives you the kick to run or fights situation. So my dear friend, if you are in this mode on a daily basis which is reserved for a tiger situation in the body, you will be burned inside. Adrenaline I may be helpful in a once in a way tiger attack and not a daily attack. If tiger is attacking daily then tiger will win because you won’t have the body capable of handling the adrenaline everyday. Your cortisol will burn the harmones which has to keep your communications in the body going well. You will have a array of health issues for nothing. 

In Bhagavadgita Krishna did not say this for timepass. 

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani

This verse is from the Bhagawad Gita, where Arjuna was not willing to fight the Epic war of Mahabhaarat and Krishna explains to him to perform his duties.You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty. - Bhagavad Gita, Chapter II, Verse 47

So when you have no control over what happens next after your action, there is no use to think about it. 

With this logical thought in mind, kindly do the mediations and yoga suggestions given by our friends in this post. I am sure you will get better overtime if you surrender to the universe and learn to accept that every outcome is for good always. Every experience is always for the good of the soul. Be blessed.


06:15 PM | 10-06-2019

Hi Pranjali,

Anxiety and tension are part of our life. Whenever you get such type of feeling, divert your mind to other places. you can ask questions to yourself, is it fine to get tense about this thing, what will happen if you get tense and anxiety, will it affect other person or matter by which you are getting such feelings. If you get answer NO then leave that thought a side and take a deep breathe and feel fresh. Best way is to eat your faviourite dish.

Yoga and meditation always help..Give only positive thoughts no negative at all.

Cheer up!!!

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