
06:37 AM | 09-06-2019

My wife is having high fever since one day which has risen upto 104 having extremely cold feeling & shivering. Need advise asap.

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6 Answers

07:46 AM | 09-06-2019

Ample rest is to be taken
Diet should be modified into a soft one.
For instant relief you may boil the leaves of giloy in water and give it to her.

11:55 AM | 10-06-2019

When ever there’s a fever, we need to know that the body has risen the temperature to help remove toxins. Let’s welcome it calmly. 

You have to give your wife complete rest. Rest at three levels. Physical, mental and physiological. Let her sleep as much as she can. If not just rest and relax. When ever there are shivers cover her adequately. 

Mental rest is equally important:, No talks or conversations which are stressful. 

Physiological rest means no food at all. When the temperature is high the body doesn’t demand for food as all the vitality is directed towards removing toxins. It is good not to tax your body by giving it any food .... fruit or juice. When the temperatures come down she will start feeling hungry naturally. Then you may give her any diluted fruit juice ( citrus ) 

As for 104 temperature , just keep at wet pack on the forehead to keep the head cooler. When it is not so high we don’t need any cold packs as the body needs the heat to burn the toxins. 

She can sip on water with lemon drops in it when ever thirsty. 

Bowel movement must be happening. If not you may try an ahimsa enema to help her evacuate her bowels. 

Fever is your friend, don’t fear it. It is helping the body to burn away its toxins. So just rest and relax.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 


05:59 PM | 09-06-2019
  • For shivers avoid using lot of blankets at once, it is okay for less coverage.
  • Do cold sponging, whenever the temperature rises.
  • Wear comfortable loose clothing.
  • Start giving simple easily digestable food like, khichdi and lot of liquid.

Take care.

06:05 AM | 10-06-2019

It is time than she gets tested for blood check up if she hasn't improve in two days.


05:48 AM | 10-06-2019

Thank you for your advise.
The shivers starts when the fever rises. It is been 48 hours now the fever is not going away. Comesback again after the crocin effect is gone.


05:59 PM | 09-06-2019

Keep a cold compress on her head. Giver her liquid diet which goes down easily and light food items that are easy to digest. 
Give her ample bed rest and give her a lot of water, which flushes out the toxins from body through urine.

05:59 PM | 09-06-2019

Keep her only on natural pulpless filtered juices literally for every hunger for 1-2 days. Her body will manage the temp and also heal and clean her up. Tender coconut will do too. Don’t use anything to eat. Reach us if u have doubts. Works like a charm every single time. 

06:13 PM | 10-06-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.

Hi Pratyush,

It is more than a day since, you posted this question, not enough ASAP, this answer is posted!

When the body has raised the temperature, it has initiated special elimination of the accumulated toxins from the body.
Toxins are solidified substance and need heat to get expelled. The body has conserved enough vitality to increase the heat to eliminate the toxins.

The body gives enough indication of what to do at the time of fever!

The voice of the organism indicates enough during the fever to do so.
The individual will have tiredness not to work and rest physically or not to think and rest psychologically during fever.
The individual also will have tastelessness in tongue and no-hunger to rest physiologically.

Mismanaging fever only makes it out of control and have an undesired consequence.
There is no recorded case of negative consequences when proper rest is opted by the individual raising fever.

Please stay calm and encourage your wife to sail through the fever by RESTING enough.
Please do not do anything to suppress the fever (not even cold wraps), let the body decide when to break it.

Thank you...

10:18 AM | 12-06-2019

Thank you so much for your advise.


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