
09:39 PM | 09-06-2019

Hi, I am having stomach pain from last 5-6 days and having around same time at night between 8-10 PM. I am on calorie deficit diet and consuming whey protein. Please help

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4 Answers

11:53 AM | 10-06-2019


If you are having stomach aches it means it is not happy with what ever you are consuming.  

What ever the type of diet and what ever the purpose of your diet may be - the food that is best for your body has to be food which is full of life. 

The least it is processed the more the body will be happy to receive it. 

Why do we eat? It is basically to provide ourselves of energy. And we also get energy through other sources too which are equally important for our day to day well-being. The other sources of energy are the sun, fresh air, water through fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, and grounding. So see to it that you get enough exposure to all these sources too.

The ideal food for our body would be fresh, seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables,. Grains and nuts too in a smaller quantity. The body is happy to start its first meal of the day as late in the morning as possible after it has finished its daily cleansing process. And the first meal would be any seasonal sweet juicy fruit. The minute you have it your body will feel happy and hydrated. Just listen to your body. See how it feels after each meal or food you have consumed. 

You may have your last meal before sunset and that could be a large bowl of salad with lots of vegetables, greens and some sprouts. 

This way your body will have ample time to process all that you have consumed and assimilate it and remove the waste too in time. 

As for the whey protein ... it is man made not god made. And it is devoid of life. So it is not ideal for human consumption. 

Nature has provided us with all that we need in beautiful and colourful packages in forms of fruits and vegetables. They are well equipped to provide you with all the necessary nutrients your body will need. 

Just a small test to see what is human specific food- keep a bowl of whey protein in front of you. 

And a bowl filled with fruits. Just check which bowl appeals to all your five senses. And do reply here 

As for your stomach ache when ever there’s pain, give it enough rest by not eating anything other than just water, that too if thirsty. Until your stomach starts feeling good again. 

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 


11:51 AM | 10-06-2019

You should avoid dairy products and meat products. Animal products are the main culprit for this. 
Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. They help in digestion and provide the much-needed roughage and fibre to help clear out the toxins from your body.
Eat less rice and bread. Decrease carbs in your diet as much as you can. Have plant-based proteins like beans and lentils 
You should also start lifting weights and doing exercise. 

11:46 AM | 10-06-2019

Timing might be coincidental because you might have been diverting your digestive system with something else and it may not focused on healing, it’s quite possible that the during the time of pain, you might have given a break to digestion or you are constantly eating the wrong foods. 

Calorie related food consumption is again a lobbyist theory who wanted to promote something that made money. If you eat the right foods, in its right qty that makes you satisfied then body will work perfectly. 

In natural cure world we don’t use the word proteins and protein is a hyped up word really. Body needs amino acids in natural form to make its own proteins. If you feed it whey, you might see body building but your kidneys are slowly becoming weaker too. Whey also kills the bio diversity in the gut and all the organs around the stomach or in the gut will slowly give up working efficiently. 

We recommend a non diary based whole food plant based lifestyle for good health. Preferably stay on high raw with fruits majorly and green juices and vegetable / veg juices as the natural foods have all the nutrients in abundance . I know people who are on a high raw vegan lifestyle and building a 6 pack without misusing the word protein. 

carb free sugar free and such diets that restrict and asks you to measure what you eat is only trying to cheat the body.. but human beings don’t realise that cheating the most sophisticated machine on earth ( human body ) cannot be done as it will find some other counter attack. We think we know everything with the limited studies done on the body. I am sure we have not scratched it’s surface yet too. It’s a black box. Only the right inputs can make it work. Look at living a natural, calm simple and easy life that does not Have any calculator or apps involved. Connect with nature. Have fruits greens and veggies and your body will heal. 

Once you are off diary, your pains might reduce. If it contained for a while, it’s your body healing your old toxins. Stay on liquids and fruits only for a week as your meals and see the magic. 

11:45 AM | 10-06-2019

Hi Abhay, age, height, daily calorie intake will be useful to analyse this? Also did you recently start taking whey protein? Are you exercising regularly?

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