
01:04 PM | 12-03-2022

Is there any cure for muscle knots in naturopathy?

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1 Answer

01:20 PM | 03-05-2024

Namaste Akki,
Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Muscle knots are hard and occur in sensitive regions and also cause pain even when the muscles are in a relaxed state. There are reasons behind their formation which are: Poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture or some kind of injury, stress and anxiety.

You can deal with this condition naturally. Please focus on below points:
1. Alternate Hot & Cold Packs: the application of hot and cold packs alternately on the affected area increases blood circulation and helps relieve the pain quickly and remove toxins.
2. Massage with coconut oil + ginger juice over affected area
3. Soak the Sun every day
4. Start the day with lukewarm water with added lemon juice.

If you need more guidance and handholding you can explore and join our Natural Holistic Healing program, where a natural health coach will comprehensively look into your routine and give you a customised diet & lifestyle action plan.

Meanwhile, you can go through the article: The Natural Ways to Pain Free Life

For queries, you can contact our teammates: 9630162732 (Sanjana), 9548714775 (Neha)

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