
04:45 PM | 12-06-2019

My husband has got us a lohey kee kadhaai. Any tips on how to manage its rusting, washing, etc? Can it be used to cook anything?

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3 Answers

10:14 AM | 13-06-2019

Cooking in iron kadahi will add good iron into your food,make it a habit to cook in iron kadhai and earthen pots.After using kadhai keep either used lemon or imli with hot water for sometime then rub and clean with iron scrub .After it is clean apply little oil to avoid rusting n staining.It will remain sparkling white .

10:15 AM | 13-06-2019

Moisture is the enemy of Iron (It will kill iron and form rust).

So, do not leave the iron utensils wet and avoid soaking.
Use warm water to clean it. 

Make sure to dry the utensils with a cloth. Do not use any type of heat blower to dry it. It will leave water marks on it and will become more potential for rusting.

You can also use little bit of oil coating after washing to avoid moisture contact.

Avoid storing food in it.

Do NOT use vinegar in it.

10:14 AM | 13-06-2019

Good evening

You can cook all kind of vegetables in iron kadhi but ones cooked immediately transfer it to any steel or glass bowl. Otherwise if left in the same both colour and the taste will change.

Do the normal cleaning as like any other utensil but you will have to clean it again before using it the next time.

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