
07:40 AM | 13-06-2019

What (in your individual opinion) is the single largest problem Nature Cure healers face in order to heal the people through this science and grow that number? Is it the lack of trust of people on this science due to lack of organised scientific evidence, difficulty in changing current food habits or lack of funding, operational and marketing support or any other reason? Give 1 main reason and then other small reasons.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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6 Answers

02:56 PM | 13-06-2019



From my experience from childhood even during the days when my father was practising, I have noticed that there are two major challenges that people face to change over to a nature based lifestyle.


1 Food is the biggest challenge. With so much variety and spices in Indian food, it becomes very tough to over come the attachment to cooked three or more meals a day. Raw seems to be a big challenge. It is one of the worst addictions and the toughest one at that to over come, as we have been brought up since our birth that way and for generations and generations. There is so much emotional attachment that I think it is the top most challenge.


2 Second most important factor is time. People are so much used to getting instant symptomatic relief by other pathies that they find it difficult to spend time for getting a proper cleansing and healing to happen. 


Constant untiring efforts towards educating is the only solution. It will take time but people will eventually learn. And yes Marketting May also go a long way in changing people’s mind set.


Be happy be healthy always 


Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 





12:59 PM | 14-06-2019

I think, lack of trust is the major problem. This is because people have become so heavily dependent on drugs and medicines which provide instant relief that they prefer to have them when they fall sick instead of maintaining a healthy lifestyle which involves habit and is a long term process. 
Though what they don't understand is that natural healing is better because it will benefit them in long term while drugs only give short term effects. 
Drugs also have some harmful side effects while natural healing ensures good health.

06:46 PM | 13-06-2019

Major reason in my opinion is they don’t see a need to change their lifestyle unless it comes to a desperate state. Ofcourse what I might recognise asthe last straw on the camels back might just be the first few straws which is not compelling enough to change.

Old habits die hard. People don’t like to get outside their comfort zones. Diseases strike when body has had a lot of time to accumulate over many yrs and by the time it strikes, they are also busy with a family, little kids , old parents, busy office life , trying hard for a promotion, trying to also find time for hobbies and passions etc. when life is just starting and they are almost trying to manage, they don’t like to get busy becoming fussy with food habits and say no to sugar / oils / diary, when that’s the only things all around them in restaurants, parties etc. it’s easily available. If you see someone suffering with migraines, colds , coughs, thyroids and suggest a lifestyle change, they would bluntly say, nothing is wrong with me.. it’s just a cold and it will go away in 2 days. So until they see a desperation, people find n no. of reasons to stay on the same lifestyle.

High raw or whole food plant based seems like a complex concept and subject to understand even if it looks and sounds simple to some of us educators. Very few of them pick up basics and run successfully. Others like most seem to ask the same basic questions again and again.  It’s tough for people to think of basic juices / raw food a to eat / pick on a daily basis. It’s easy to cook rice / chapathi / use oils / gravies etc. Traditionally such recipes are like hardwired since childhood. So as adults it’s hard to comprehend that basic necessities have become difficult. Especially when kids are involved in their lives, they need a strong support to be educated about daily living. If elders are in the same home, the complexities increase. It’s easy to lead an old lifestyle and pop a pill than reason out with the elders at home in some cases. Again until their life is at stake and they understand that, change won’t be embraced so easily. 

Diet vs lifestyle - Based on the above, accepting that the change will be a lifestyle and not a crash diet is also depressing. 

02:55 PM | 13-06-2019

In my opinion the toughest problem a Nature cure healer faces is nothing other than “time taken for the natural products to show their effect” as a result of which it tests the patience of the person undertaking such natural treatment.

Other minor reasons would be lack of evidences to support the effectiveness of the treatment and less awareness among people due less advertisements.

09:23 AM | 14-06-2019

Thanks a lot for this needful question, that we all should address.
Or at least find some answer to it.

If I have to opine, I must reiterate that these two (Nature Cure and Healing or medicinal fraternities) are two parallel worlds.
There is no competition between these two worlds.
One (Nature Cure) goes to the deeper aspects of the problems to find out the CAUSE, other (Medicine world) tries to fix it at the periphery, at the SIGN & SYMPTOM level of the problems.

The primary reason is not enlisted in your question!
It is neither the lack of trust, nor the lack of scientific evidence, nor mere the difficulty in changing food, nor just the lack of funding, not even the operational and marketing support.

It is nothing but the CONFUSION OF COMPETITION!

Nature Cure, at the core, is not in that race of luring and addressing the problem, instantly.
If someone is striving to do that, s/he is not practising Nature Cure.
Nature Cure is absolutely a domain of education, it cannot gratify the people, instantly.

The success of Nature Cure, in future, is defined as mankind is growing further cognitively to cross the peripheral solution-level to the deeper causal analysis.
Maybe, it is perceived to happen slowly, but happening for sure!

For further analysis, please follow my next article on this topic.
The analysis will go beyond the opinion to the facts...
The article will be published soon on Wellcure.com and on our FB page: fb.me/getPSYsolution.

Thank you…

02:52 PM | 13-06-2019

I feel since it is unlearning and re-learning a lot of things and breaking old habits and patterns, it causes resistance.  People have gotten used to instant gratification and believe in data science more than instinct.  It is due to the stuff we have been fed through childhood - what we consume through food and books which has made us not in touch with our instincts.

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