
01:19 PM | 01-07-2022

Hair thinning. My age 44, Female

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1 Answer

01:31 PM | 01-07-2022

Hello Anuya ji,

Thank you for sharing your query with us, The state of your hair reflects your overall health too. Our hair gets its nutrition from within. There are living cells in the hair bulb which get their nourishment from the blood to make good healthy hair. 

Hair growth and regeneration happens naturally in a cycle - there is a period of growth, a resting phase and then release of hair from the hair follicle which we experience as shedding of hair every day. Problems with hair are experienced when this cycle is disrupted. Adopting a natural lifestyle helps improve the quality of blood and increase nutrition available to the hair follicles.

Here you can check and book our Natural Hair care course,  and Other courses if you need any kind of help.

Wishing you good health

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