
11:07 AM | 18-08-2022

I have two lypoma balls,one in my wrist and other is in my armfit from 7 years, how can I cure,and I have pain in my both of chest from one month and I don't get my periods from two months, please suggest thanq

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1 Answer

11:17 AM | 18-08-2022


Thank you for sharing your query with us, lipoma balls is nothing but accumlation of fat, which results in fatty tissue beneath your skin. The pain in your chest and irregular mensutral cycles, these are all signs of toxemia-  the accumulation of toxins within the body. While some toxins are an output of metabolism, others are added due to unnatural lifestyle- wrong food habits, lack of rest and stress.

Periods are regulated by hormones - estrogen & progesterone. If there is a toxic overload on the body, it can prevent the hormones from performing their routine functions.

All these health issues can be cured, you can take help from our Health Coach to guide you in healthy food habits and getting back in sync with the natural laws of living.

Meanwhile you can go through E- Learning courses and some Successful health journeys

Wishing you good health

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