
12:11 PM | 19-08-2022

I am suffering from cicatricial alopecia and lichen planus on body it is possible to heal completely with diet and lifestyle changes

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1 Answer

12:20 PM | 19-08-2022

Hello Sweta 

Thank you for sharing your concern with us, Cicatrial alopecia and lichen planus are inflammatory conditions and Skin is the largest surface area organ. The state of our skin truly reflects the state of our health. Having a skin issue means there is toxic waste in the body which it is unable to eliminate. Once you support your body by aligninging your lifestyle to Natural Laws, your body is able to eliminate toxins and self-heal from within.

Yes, it is possible to heal completely with diet and lifetsyle changes. You can explore our Heal Skin Naturally personalised program, where Dr. Sravanthi will help you to make diet and lifestyle changes.

You can contact our team member for further assistance- Sanjana (9630162732)

Wishing you good health

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