
04:20 PM | 15-09-2022

Hello sir, I am suffering from thyroid. My TSH is 0. 006. Have swelling on my neck. I believe in Ayurveda. Not started any alopathy medicine. Help me on this.

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1 Answer

04:57 PM | 15-09-2022

Hello Snehali,

Thank you for sharing your issue with us, As per nature cure, toxic overload is the root cause of all diseases. Toxins are a byproduct of metabolism and also get added due to wrong lifestyle choices.Toxic overload often leads to hormonal imbalance. There are issues like thyroid (hypo/hyper). As per nature cure, one can reverse this state of imbalance by getting back in sync with the natural laws of living.
You can read our article on Hypo or hyperthyroid - Correct imbalance naturally.
For more guidance you can join our Natural Thyroid Correction LIVE workshop

For any query you can contact our team member:-96301 62732 (Sanjana)

Wishing you good health

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