
11:42 AM | 15-06-2019

How do you cure a sore throat

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10 Answers

05:30 PM | 15-06-2019

A sore throat occurs as part of your body's immune response to viral or bacterial infections.

Your natural immune response leads to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that may provide relief, including some that are supported by scientific evidence.

1)Apple cider vinegar is a natural health tonic that's been used in folk medicine remedies for centuries. Its main active ingredient, acetic acid, helps fight bacteria.

2)Gargling with salt water is a well-known natural remedy to get rid of a sore throat.

3)Honey is a delicious sweetener that is often used in combination with other natural ingredients to soothe a sore throat like warm water and apple cider vinegar.

4)Ginger is a spice with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that may help relieve throat pain.

5)Cinnamon is a fragrant and delicious spice that's high in antioxidants and provides antibacterial benefits and can treat it.

6) Intake of plenty of fluids which can also include peppermint tea or chamomile tea


05:28 PM | 15-06-2019


1 Give your throat ample rest.

2 You May gargle with warm water infused with turmeric and salt thrice a day.

3 You May wrap a wet pack around your neck for half an hour.

4 Avoid oily spicy food. Talk less sleep more. 

5 You May drink liquorice boiled in water. 

Be happy be healthy always 


Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 


09:57 AM | 17-06-2019

First of all you should give your throat rest and speak less. It will provide the much-needed rest to your strained vocal cords. 
Gargle everyday with Luke warm water. Avoid drinking cold beverages. Drink normal water instead of cold. 
Don't eat spicy food. It irritates the lining of your already delicate and sensitive throat. 
Have ginger and honey with lukewarm water. They help in relieving your sore throat.

08:21 AM | 16-06-2019

You must stop the intake that cause irritation to the throat for example oily and spicy foods.
You can gargle with salt water for relief.
Also, the diet could be moulded into a mechanically soft one for easy passage through the gut.
A "kadha" could be made out of honey, ginger, tulsi and black pepper for instant relief

09:26 PM | 17-06-2019


Alkline juice is one of the best medicine for sore throat. 

One day take only nariyal pani. You have take one sip narial pani and hold count 40 then gut, sip like you have chew your coconut water for one day. 

You will be all right.

wet Patti on throat 

09:58 AM | 17-06-2019

Sore throat is the inflammation of pharnyx or back of the throat. Different types of ailments can cause this example common cold and influenza. 

  • You must consume juicy fruits like apple,  orange, pineapple and papaya after certain intervals in a day
  • Home made remedy - take some cinnamon (coarsely powdered ) in boiling water , add a pinch of black pepper and honey. This will give your throat a relief as honey has demulcent action. 

05:29 PM | 15-06-2019

Hei Devone , if you are having a sore throat first of all you should avoid cold beverages and food cooked in unhealthy oil.

Try to gargle atleast thrice with Luke warm water with a pinch of salt in it.

Have green tea with added liquorice . Or you can have ginger and liquorice tea.

You can keep a piece of liquorice in your mouth.


12:31 PM | 20-06-2019

We can treat sore throat  easily  by
1) gargling by  hot salt water
2) ginger juice and honey
3) can  drink hot tea with a bit of salt
4)eat mulathi 

09:00 PM | 19-06-2019

Sore throat can be cured by following ways:

  1. Chew a small part of ginger whenever your throat becomes itchy.
  2. Avoid chilled water and try switching to matke(earthen vessel) ka paani. Since these days it is so hot.
  3. Drink honey lemon tea as it soothes the throat.
  4. Gargle with salt water.
  5. Avoid anything cold.
  6. Avoid spicy foods.

12:53 PM | 19-06-2019

There are 20 hits if you search answers to common problems like ‘sore throat’ on wellcure. Please check that for more answers. 

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