
06:13 PM | 17-10-2022

I'm 55 years old my weight is 70 kg I want to shed my weight. I'm not having BP and Sugar. Only calcium tablet I'm taking. Kindly suggest me the course to lose weight.

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1 Answer

06:21 PM | 17-10-2022

Namaste Shyamala ji,

We do understand that being overweight is a cause of concern. However, we urge you not to get stressed as you can achieve an optimal body weight by making certain lifestyle changes and following healthful habits as per Natural Laws. You can join our one month weight loss program. You can read more about it here.

You can also contact our team member for further guidance- 9630162732 (Sanjana)

In the meanwhile, please read stories on losing weight naturally here. All these experiences are based on following a natural lifestyle, whole plant-based foods, high intake of raw foods. 

Stay healthy!

Team Wellcure.

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