
02:18 PM | 18-10-2022

Dear sir I am eating fruits of 3 different kinds around 1 pm and then raw vegetables thereafter and then lunch, want to know whether this is an appropriate way to do?

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1 Answer

02:18 PM | 18-10-2022

Namaste Prem Kumar ji,

Thanks for sharing your query with us. Every function of our body (digestion, repair, growth etc) is designed to be in a certain rhythm called the circadian rhythm. When we align our lifestyle to follow this rhythm our body is able to function at its optimum. Early morning hours starting from 04:00 AM to 12:00 PM will be the ideal time for the consumption of fruit as it is easy to digest. Please try to include any one type of fruit. Post that, you can include vegetables in your lunch. You can also check our blog on the consumption of fruits.


Team Wellcure

02:33 PM | 18-10-2022

Whether both fruit and raw vegetables can be taken simultaneously


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