
08:21 AM | 16-06-2019

I mistakenly poked my right ear and now it's hurting badly. Suggest something for that.

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8 Answers

10:03 AM | 17-06-2019

Check with an ENT to gauge the damage. 

10:01 AM | 17-06-2019

1) Certain positions can either make earache symptoms worse or better. If you are experiencing an ear pain, you should not sleep on the side where you have the pain. Try to sleep with the affected ear raised or elevated

2) Soak a washcloth in either cool or warm water, wring it out, and then put it over the ear that's bothering you i.e warm compress.You can also try a cool compress if it benefits you.
3) Onion and garlic can be also used as pain relievers.

4) Keep well hydrated and drink plenty of fluid.

5) Gentle massage and caressing can also help and take proper care of it

10:02 AM | 17-06-2019


Don’t disturb it anymore. Just rest it and the pain will subside with time as the damage heals.

If you still think you need to do something to subside the pain then you may try 

1 A wet pack on the back side of your ears.

2 Warm fomentation at the back side of your ear. 

Best is always ... to rest and relax and let it heal back on its own.


Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 


10:01 AM | 17-06-2019

You can't do much about it. Wait for a day or two till your pain subsides. Ear drums are very delicate and should be handled carefully. Don't like your ear with a foreign object or even with cotton swab too harshly. 
If the pain doesn't go away you should go to the doctor.

10:00 AM | 17-06-2019

Dip a cotton ball into some luke warm sunflower oil and drop by drop put it in the affected ear.Then put a cover cotton in the ear canal to prevent the oil from coming out. Use this technique only if your ear drum is alright and not ruptured.

10:03 AM | 17-06-2019

If you can still hear, that’s still a relief. If there is pain, chances are that something is torn and body will stitch iitself back again. Take rest and apply some cold cloth around ur ears and sleep. It’s wise not to put anything inside the ears to clean it. Removal of wax is not necessary. Body cleans itself . Be blessed. 

10:02 AM | 17-06-2019

Hei Abhilasha , if you are feeling mild pain , heat a crushed piece of garlic in mustard oil for few minutes , let it cool down and then put 2 3 drops of that oil in the ear and plug your ear with cotton ball. 

Lukewarm mustard oil with garlic is great for ear pain / karam shool. But if the pain persists for longer period please get it checked from ENT . 

10:00 AM | 17-06-2019

Poking of ears can lead to ear infection known as otitis in future. Some hone remedies to cure them are:

1. Take luke warm water and add salt to it and the soak it in cotton and put behind the poked ear. It will relieve pain.

2. Put 2-3 drops of mustard oil in affected ear can prevent from infection.

3. Keep the ears clean by using ear buds.

4. In case of bleeding or any decrease hearing, should consult an ENT specialist as soon as possible.


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