
04:50 PM | 21-12-2022

Hi, my mom is suffering from high BP and thyroid. Would like to know how can we move forward?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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1 Answer

05:48 PM | 21-12-2022

Hello Jaya Ji, 
Thank you for sharing your query with us, Let us understand thyroid and High BP from Nature Cure Prespective. As per Nature Cure Toxic overload often leads to hormonal imbalance and accumalation of extra fat inside the body and then it leads to health probelm like thyroid (hypo/hyper) and High BP. As per nature cure, one can reverse this state of imbalance by getting back in sync with the natural laws of living. You can read more about BP in this blog - Blood pressure - from nature’s perspective. 

We suggest you take a personal consultation with our Natural Health Coach who can understand your background better & give you a customised action plan. Our Natural Health Coach will look into your daily routine in a comprehensive way and give you an action plan. She / he will guide you on diet, sleep, exercise, stress to correct your existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws.

You can contact our team member for more Information or query - 96301 62732 (Sanjana) or you can write us on healthcoaching@wellcure.com

Wishing you good health
Team Wellcure


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