
09:05 AM | 01-01-2019

Hi My 7 year old has bad tooth ache in his molars and has swelling. What to do?

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9 Answers

10:51 AM | 19-11-2018

Hellos pls note, tooth ache and cavities if any are sign that the body and mouth has higher acidic medium vs. alkaline.  Our food breaks down in our mouth through the chewing process. Food break down leave an acidic residue in the mouth, thus its important that your child cleanses his mouth with water after every time he eats.  Also overall pls increase his overall intake of alkalizing foods such as fruits and vegetables. Do reduce refined foods, packaged foods, maida, sugar, refined oils etc. instead replenish with more whole, natural food choices such as nuts, seeds, sprouts, whole beans and legumes and fresh fruits and veggies.  Excessive consumption of dairy, non veg and grains also cause higher acidic build up.

As a process our body has innate repair mechanism and in theory can reverse cavities too and heal the tooth from within. The blood supply and therefore the nutrient supply to the outer layers of our tooth is not direct. The process itself is very slow and effort-full for the body. But we must still focus on building the inner blocks through correct natural food choices to ensure better dental hygiene.

Hope he gets pain relief soon!

10:53 AM | 19-11-2018

Boil 20 guava leaves in 2 litres of water. Strain and gargle after meals. Rinses have to be done with lukewarm guava leaves water Or Put a clove between ur teeth. Or Heavily concentrated salt's gargle or If you can get essence of myrrh or myrrh essential oil it is superb for application.

10:53 AM | 19-11-2018

Hi here are some common natural treatments for toothaches that you might like to try: 

- Warm Salt Water - have your child swish and rinse his or her mouth out with warm water mixed with salt. The salt kills the bacteria while the warm water can help ease pain and reduce swelling in the gums.
- Clove Oil - it can help soothe a toothache and numb the area of the mouth around the tooth. Put the clove oil on a cotton ball and then apply it directly to the tooth to ease the pain. 
- Cold Compress -placing a cold compress or ice pack on the outside of your child's cheek can help numb the pain and relieve swelling if a toothache is caused by trauma or injury rather than tooth decay or plaque. 

If the pain still persists, I would recommend visiting a holistic dentist to check your little angel!  

10:52 AM | 19-11-2018

Crush a clove in coconut oil and keep on the affected area. This provides relief. And may be safer to use for a young child vs the clove oil.

10:52 AM | 19-11-2018

Apply haldi paste on the tooth once or twice a day.

When he is restless get him to deep breath. Relax him.

Increase his raw foods to allow for better cleansing and repair. So give him fruit pulps and veg juices Reduce his cooked food. With tooth ache he may not be in much mood to eat anyways.

10:52 AM | 19-11-2018

For relief you can Ice the area.

Apply clove oil on area of pain 2-3 times a day. However pls be careful.  Pls buy good quality clove oil only. Also direct application may burn him or give blisters so you can instead soak a cotton bud and apply only on affected area.  Check with your dentist before this is done.

10:52 AM | 20-09-2018

Hellos, you could do the following for long term dental health

1) Brush his teeth twice daily. Make sure that the entire tooth is getting scrubbed inside, outside, top and bottom. With brushing it’s more important to maintain a gentle even pressure (not too hard), and brush throughly. Don’t rush through it. 

2) After everything he eats his mouth has to be thoroughly rinsed. 

Food break down (raw or cooked) releases acid as a by-product. Therefore rinsing the mouth and removing the food particles is essential. 

3) The inside of a pomegranate peel (the yellow material) helps to strengthen the enamel. It can be used to massage the tooth and gums, once or twice a week. 

4) In this meals, his component of alkaline producing foods needs to go up, ie salads and lemon. 

5) His building blocks also need to go up such as, greens & veggies, sprouts, veggie juices and nuts, need to be increased. For all building happens from within rather than from outside.

12:17 PM | 04-09-2018

 Besides clove oil what helped our toddler through the pain was washing her mouth with boiled water with salt.

10:52 AM | 19-11-2018

Increase your veggie juices, gargle with highly concentrated salt water. It will treat infection.

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