
02:39 PM | 10-02-2024

I'm 40 year old female. My Amh level is 0. 33, my follicular study showed ruptured follicle of size 1. 73 ×1. 71 cm, endometrium lining 9. 0mm, and a para ovarian simple cyst was also detected. With all this parameters, can natural conception happen?

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1 Answer

02:39 PM | 10-02-2024


Thanks for sharing your query with us. Although low AMH, para ovarian simple cysts, etc. are different names, your body is one 'whole'. The food nutrition, oxygen, and ideas you provide to everyone of the 50 trillion cells in the body is same. The blood that transports all of these to the cells is the same. So, if the blood is toxic or is not appropriately loaded with nutrients, oxygen, and happy thoughts, it will continue to emerge as one or more health issues. When you look at the body as a 'whole' and nourish it with all fertility boosting and healthy diet and lifestyle inputs, all ailments begin to resolve.. Its a magical experience! Please start making these small changes in your routine first-

  • Have a fruits based breakfast in the morning. Please make sure that you are only fruits till 12 PM.
  • Build a healthy sleep routine. Sleep by max 10-10:30PM.
  • Take "sunshine" on regular basis as it regulates body's circadian rhythm and is a primary source ov Vitamin D which is involved in hormone regulation.

Please explore this healing journey of Anchal Kapur (Fertility Coach)

Adopting a natural lifestyle will help you reclaim Fertility & Conceive Naturally. We suggest you take up Personalized Coaching Program with Fertility Coach - Anchal Kapur, who can understand such issues and your background better & suggest the way forward. 

You can contact our team members for more information: 9630162732 (Sanjana), 844831324 (Vandana).

Wishing you good health

Team Wellcure

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