
11:09 PM | 09-04-2024

Hi, I'm 33 yrs old with hypothyroidism and using thyronorm 50mcg from the past 5 yrs. I'm trying to conceive but my amh level is very low 0. 08 and fsh is high(18). The doctor said that I'm having low ovarian reserve and I cannot conceive naturally only donor eggs are helpful. Can I heal thyroid and increase my amh level naturally. Is there any chance to conceive naturally?

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1 Answer

10:42 AM | 10-04-2024

Namastey Sirisha,
Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Yes, you can conceive and heal Thyroid Naturally. I urge you to follow a ‘whole’ approach to look at your health. Hypothyroid, low AMH, high FSH etc are different names but your body is one ‘whole’. The food nutrients, oxygen, and thoughts you supply to each of the 50 tn cells in the body are the same. The blood carrying all these to the cells is the same. So if the blood is toxic or not sufficiently loaded with the nutrients, oxygen, and positive thoughts, it will keep manifesting in the form of one health issue or the other. When you look at the body as one ‘whole’ & nourish it with all these inputs, all issues start getting resolved.
Simple ways to boost fertility:
1. Morning empty stomach: A glass of lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon.
2. Breakfast: Fresh Seasonal and locally available fruits. Please avoid grain-based breakfasts.
3. Wet pack on abdomen and neck region twice a day: early morning empty stomach and evening after 2-3 hours of meal. Blood circulation will help in removing all the toxins.

Anchal Kapur, Fertility Coach, herself struggled with hormonal imbalance, low AMH, and poor egg quality in 2014. She overcame those with Nature Cure & is on a mission to help women TTC get their desired results naturally. You can join the Boost Fertility Personal Coaching program with fertility experts.

So many women have benefitted by embracing Mother Nature. No side effects, and no expensive fertility treatments. You can hear the experiences of some of them.

Meanwhile, you can listen and learn more about how to increase AMH naturally and how thyroid imbalance impacts the chances of conceiving

For queries regarding the program you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha)

Wishing you good health

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