
11:50 AM | 28-06-2019

My daughter is having recurrent stomach ache episodes. These are accompanied with back ache, feeling of nausea and feverish. Last time, in april doctor put her on laxative sachets as well as antacids. Despite the stools becoming loose the pain contd. Then we even gave her enema. Not of much use! Now again she is having similar problem. Tests done - pancreas,wheat allergy, TSH - all normal. 4-5 pus cells in urine. What to do?? Plz help with some immediate relief tips! Thanks!

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4 Answers

10:05 AM | 01-07-2019

1. Please state her age in comments.

2. Remove animal proteins including milk, all refined products and packaged food from her diet.

3. Water drink adequately.

4. Lot of citrus fruits whole and juiced. Avoid cooked food for 90 days if possible. Raw vegetables like cucumber, beetroot, capsicum and cabbage.

5. Back ache is directly associated with digestion problem. Exercise for spinal cord is must. Simple bending ahead, sideways and back is must. Try few sit ups and gradually increase to 50 daily.

10:16 AM | 03-07-2019

Thanks for responding! She is 9 years old.


10:06 AM | 01-07-2019

Good morning
To start with just give her fruits, fruit juices, vegetable juices, soups and salads only. Also you can give her coconut water, lemon and honey water.

Place a wet Patti on her stomach thrice a day.

Do not give her any diary, grains, oily food etc.
The purpose is to give her body a digestive rest so that the body can take action and cure itself.

Enema is beneficial if our eating habits are right.

With this appropriate rest is also required.

And for the detailed treatment pls contact some naturopath.

You can contact Dr. Salila Tiwari she is the best.

Take care

10:16 AM | 03-07-2019

Thanks for the recommendation and all the tips!


03:51 PM | 03-07-2019

Hello Shweta Ji,

Here my Concern is your daughter may suffer from Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) .

Which is a common condition that arises when there is an infection caused by bacteria. 

Which leads to Presence of pus or blood in the urine.

Make sure her diet and life style should be changed by adapting few things:

Increase intake of liquids in the form of water, juices, coconut water, and other cooling drinks.
Avoid working in the sun or in a hot atmosphere such as near furnaces and boilers.
Ensure she is drinking enough water per day. Avoid using Air conditionrs much. Sit under natural air. Breath easy.

Put 3 tablespoons of powdered coriander seeds and 1 tablespoon of powdered sugarcane jaggery powder (Brown natural sugar) containing 3 cups of water. Keep it overnight. Mix well and drink 1 cup of the liquid 3 times a day. This is a very good remedy for pacifying pitta in the urinary tract.

Take care

10:05 AM | 01-07-2019

How old is she swetha? Might need a bit more details on her lifestyle and her past 

10:17 AM | 03-07-2019

She is 9 years old.


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