
09:48 AM | 02-07-2019

Looking for ways to increase my 3 year old's raw intake. He's a fussy eater. Pls share some ideas.

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3 Answers

03:14 PM | 02-07-2019

As summer season is going on so primarily the intake of fruits and vegetables can serve two benefits firstly the raw food intake practice can improve as well as it will provide satiety juices can be given fruit chaats can be given.Salad preparations can be given.

Raw nuts and seeds can be incorporated in the preparations.

Sprouts can be given by mixing good texture of (vegetables like cucumber, onion) and even tomato and a pinch of lemon can add to the flavour.

03:15 PM | 02-07-2019

it is difficult for kids to consume raw food at this age. The juice is not something which is highly rated in adults but if you are having difficulty for kids to eat so the best way is to give raw vegetables in juice form.

If the kid has an affinity towards sweet then you can add a teaspoon of honey in it.

For fruits, the juice is high in sugar so avoid that. Bananas can be mashed easily and for some fruits like custard apple pulp can be removed.

These are just basic tips to start with. The best to eat raw food item is with biting which will also improve teeth and gums of your little one.


09:17 AM | 03-07-2019

It's easy!

Children are imitators.
They immitate whomever they relate with and come across.
Primary caregivers are imitated by the children very obviously.

Improve your own RAW intakes and the supply management at your home with no packaged food and less cooked food.
A healthy child will eat for sure, provide the needful raw (primarily fruits) in front of her, when she is really hungry.
Manipulate the child such a way that she should never become your parent,but you do!
The child should not feel pressurised but has limited options are home when she is hungry.

We have tried this successfully!

Thank you...

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