
09:24 AM | 03-07-2019

What can be the possible reasons of brittleness of nails, how to overcome the problem.?

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4 Answers

03:44 PM | 03-07-2019

Hello Mehak Ji,

Brittleness in the nail may be caused by trauma, such as repeated wetting and drying, repeated exposure to detergents and water, or some time using of nail polish remover which cause such side affects too.

To overcome this, use vegetable oil like coconut oil and bursh it on affected part during bed tine and wear glouse. Morning wash it.  Try to avoid soaking hands too much in water and detergents.


07:48 AM | 06-07-2019

Brittleness of nails can be due to many different reasons. One of them and the most common is the deficiency of iron which makes the nails brittle as well as spoon shaped. You must include iron rich food items in your day to day lives. Use jaggery instead of sugar. Add plenty of green leafy vegetables to your plate. Also, in addition you must have adequate amount of vit- C for proper iron absorption. You must have citrus lemon, orange, guava,etc.

03:46 PM | 03-07-2019

Reason for brittleness in nails

Brittleness in the nail may be caused by trauma, such as repeated wetting and drying, repeated exposure to detergents and water, and excessive exposure to harsh solvents, such as those found in nail polish remover.

Deal with brittle nails

To deal with brittle nails and restore them to a healthy and strong state.

Keeping the finger and toenails trimmed and even makes it less likely that the nails will crack or tear. Trimming your nails shortly after a bath or shower makes them softer and will result in a more even cut. Use skin softening after washing or bathing.

For people constantly in contact with water the solution is to cover the hands with rubber gloves as your nails can absorb between 20 and 25 percent of their weight in water. Nails expand as they absorb water, then contract when hands are dry. The more water you expose nails to, the more they expand and contract-and that weakens them.

Poor nutrition can also cause brittle nails. The solution is to include foods in the daily diet that will promote healthy nails.



10:05 AM | 05-07-2019

Hey Mehak,

Any health problem, if you analyse deeply, you will find there is some or other way of ENERVATION, lying beneath!
Enervation means depletion of vitality or the life force of the body.
In an enervated state, the toxin from the blood is not expelled out properly.
Due to the retainment of the toxin, the cells get the low-quality supply from blood and become toxic.

The parts of the body get affected first are the unique weak-links of the individual.
In this case, the nails are affected.
One needs to analyse why a specific part becomes the weak-link!

The reason could be genetic or environmental or lifestyle specific.
The lifestyle specific attribution can be reversed very easily and should be reversed first.
One needs to check overuse of that part and reduce the overload.

But ideally, the weak-link should be dealt holistically by conserving vitality from all the ways to sync with Nature.

Holistic Conscious Conservation of Vitality means approaching it from all the angles.


More sunlight
More Fresh air and rhythmic breathing
Pure water
Unaltered/uncooked RAW food, as much as possible

Regular physical activities, including exercise.
Spine Care
Optimum Rest and Sleep.

The neutral state of mind to identify the impermanence of the universe.

Brittleness of the nails will seem to be very easy to reverse when we address it holistically.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.

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