
09:46 AM | 08-07-2019

Looking to consume brocolli sprouts. Can someone guide where are brocolli seeds available and how to sprout them?

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3 Answers

03:22 PM | 08-07-2019


You can buy broccoli seeds on amazon. 

As for sprouting them the process is just the same as other seeds, but the only difference is that these seeds will need 4 to 5 days to sprout completely. 


1 Soak about two table spoons of broccoli seeds in 300 ml of water for 24 hours. 

2 Remove the excess water and add more fresh water to the seeds and rinse it out.

3 Place the seeds in a wet nut milk bad and let it hang near the sink. 

4 Rinse and wet the seeds twice a day for next three days. 

5 On day 4 the seeds would have started sprouting. 

6 You May stop rinsing and wetting the seeds now. 

7 The seeds are well sprouted by now. You may use it for your consumption or store it for future usage in the refrigerator.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 


03:22 PM | 08-07-2019

Brocoli seeds in genral available in Organic Store.

You can simply do terrace garden or in any very big mud pot  so that you will see brocoli occurs.

It has many health benefits, rich in fibre and good for respiratory organ as well.

11:01 AM | 09-07-2019

Hi. I was myself looking for them sometime ago & here's what I found out - check go green & organic garten websites. Check if they have brocolli seeds & do they deliver in your city. Check specifically if they can be sprouted to eat. It seems seeds are treated with pesticides & if you sprout & eat, you will ingest a very concentrated amounted of the chemicals. So organic is better for sprouting. In fact I had checked on amazon, many sellers specifically mentioned 'not to be used for sprouting' & some others said 'for eating as sprouts'. Eventually I still didn't buy because they were quite expensive :-(. 

Regarding the process, I believe its the same as any other sprouts. Just that this will take minimum 3-4 days. Soak for 8-10 hours & then keep it tied in a cloth or sprouting jar. Rinse thoroughly in water twice a day, drain out the rinsing water & put it back in cloth/jar. 

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