
04:04 PM | 09-07-2019

Hi, my daughter is 1 year 8 months old. She is breastfed while I am at home (while not at office). She drinks 1 small cup of cow milk in a day. She also eats ghee, butter. I am planning to wean her off cow milk and other dairy products. But me and my husband are bit skeptical about her overall nutrient intake if she is not given milk, ghee and butter. I am planning to make nut milks at home but I am not sure whether she will accept the new taste. She is on family food otherwise. Please guide us

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5 Answers

07:29 AM | 10-07-2019


A one year and 8 months old baby can easily be weaned away from cows milk and other dairy products.

1 Keep all her favourite foods handy. When ever she says she is hungry give her one of her favourite food so that she doesn’t think about milk. The fouvorite foods must be healthy food too. 

2 you can slowly introduce her to nut milk. She will slowly start liking it.

As for nutrients you may rest assured she is getting all the nutrients she needs as long as you are giving her all the seasonal fruits and vegetables. They should be the major part of her diet.

You are doing a great job introducing your child to a healthy lifestyle at such a young age. Kudos to you.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature cure practitioner 



10:24 PM | 10-07-2019



02:51 PM | 10-07-2019

Thanks Swati. . Sure, will focus on giving whole fruits ..


11:09 AM | 10-07-2019

I would just encourage the baby to eat fruits more than give her any smoothies. Or if you are keen on smoothies then it’s good that you make purée out of the dense fruits like banana or mango or chikoo etc just combine with one or two other fruits like orange or pineapples and coconut water and make smoothies.

Nothing to beat individual fruits in their freshest form.


10:35 AM | 10-07-2019

Thanks Swati for the response. I will slowly start with nut milks. Are there any smoothies that we can give at this age..


03:22 PM | 10-07-2019

Hi Mamatha

In all of this, its very important to find your peace. Don't do something if it scares you. Learn more about dairy, make a choice & then do changes gradually. 

Till you are giving her milk, curd, ghee - source the best quality in terms of raw, un pasteurised, organic, from grass fed livestock, fed w/o hormones & antibiotics.

Given her age, you can substitute her milk with other foods. Give her fruits instead of milk. Kids this age like sweet potatoes. My son used to even take steamed beetroot. Try steamed corn, veggie sticks of cucumber, capsicum, etc. Try nutty soups....My poiint is that replace her milk with other foods & drinks. See this video on fruit smoothies. Make a gradual transition. If she demands milk, give it to her sometimes. Keep her also happy.

Visit the recipes section. You'll get many options on non dairy milk, butter, cheese, curd, etc. Start experimenting. But even if you give soaked nuts & seeds as-is, it's ok. 

Read this blog on dairy, it will answer many of your questions - Is dairy a habit or a need?

Best wished for your little one.

11:21 AM | 10-07-2019


This is right time you can also try food like boiling an apple and remove it skin and make as paste and to improve taste add spoon of pure organic honey and feed the child.

Also same can be followed Nenthram banana which is origin from kerala which adds more nutrient to the child for gaining weight as well.

also start giving mixed vegetable soup by less spicy and multigrain health drink porridge as well.

This will help them to gain stamina, and immunity will increase. 

Keep changing the food so that they will enjoy it. Once in a while get them into the park and feed food which helps them to engage in playing activity and also helps in 
digestion very fast.


03:05 PM | 10-07-2019

Mamatha .. what Swathi told is absolutely right. Its our mental and cultural block that we must give milk to the kids even after they are weaned off. The reason why babies have teeth is to make sure they don’t depend on any form of milk from any mammal. Their bodies grow to start digesting food instead of milk. The digestive enzymes to digest even mothers milk will slowly vanish and even that milk becomes bad in future. So, introduce fruits and vegetables to the baby. Even if you give but milks, they are not whole in nature and anything that’s not consumed as is, will not digest properly. Compared to cows milk, plant milk is better , but without the fibre they also are not going to help ijnthe long run. Start giving pieces of fruits and vegetables for it to chew on. Give smoothies ( any fruit smoothie is fine) . Add few leaves of greens like Palak and pudina and she can get the essentials from the greens too. Don’t worry about adding sweeteners like jaggery. The kids eat as per the mothers taste based weaknesses or strengths. Don’t feed any animal based sweetners like honey. It is addictive too. U can use dates which is whole and also sweet. Try to give fruits in raw form only.  This is the right age. As she grows, give her ethical education which is going to make her vegan lifestyle more stronger and healthier . Give her education about why natural food is better. Why whole foods like coconut is better than coconut oil or peanuts are better than peanut oils. We are so proud of your proactive step. Keep it up. Sharing my kids journeys. I took 1 yr to wean them off everything and they were 5 and 8 yrs old. I have taken many such steps to make them live a disease free and healthy lifestyle. Both are healthy kids now. 


10:54 AM | 11-07-2019

Hi Mamtha, 

Just three points: 

  1. If you do not have time to spend with your baby to feed her, try expressing your milk and provision that when you are not present. 
  2. If you are keen to provide outside milk, which is not recommended in general, you should try and explore goat milk or desi domesticated cow milk which is not from a farm. 
  3. Increase Fresh fruit intake for the baby. 

Otherwise, response from Swati is apt. 

Thank you...

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