
10:02 AM | 30-08-2018

Can somebody please suggest a nice little spicy dip / chutney for chillas.

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4 Answers

02:00 PM | 21-11-2018

You can go for a peanut chutney. Its a very versatile dip. Just put together peanuts, jaggery, chilly flakes and soaked imli. You could add even green chillies to get that spicy dip u looking for. Or if running short of time, just simply do 1 onion+1 tomato + 1 to 2 green chillies. Fresh and yummy. Goes well with chilla.

01:57 PM | 21-11-2018

Hi! There are a couple of interesting chutney recipes posted on Wellcure website. You could try any of the following to go with chillas -

11:50 AM | 16-11-2018

Hi there.  Here are a few options:

You can do green chutney, daniya + adarak + imli / lemon

Imli chutney.

Nut based peanuts or coconut chutney tastes great too.

If looking for quick options, aam + pudina chutney works well too.


03:05 PM | 19-09-2018

Indian dips and chutneys are really versatile. Remember its all about mix and match! its like trendy girl's wardrobe who is excellent and putting together different looks with same stuff! In cooking, the same ingredients can do different things ?.. when we learn that principle, we all will turn into kitchen divas.

You can do dhaniya + green chilly + nimbu + some peanuts.  Mix all in blended and grind well. Add salt to taste

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