
12:15 PM | 12-07-2019

Hi, in follow up with the recent query on eliminating cow milk from my daughters diet , is it advisable to remove curds and ghee too. She is 1 yr 8 months old. What could be the vegan substitute for curds and ghee. She loves both of these and demands them with every meal...

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5 Answers

09:36 PM | 15-07-2019

There are many options we can give to child as nutritional diet and avoid diary products.

you can boil apple and remove its skin and make a paste of it and add spoon of honey for taste and give to the child.

same can be done it for Nenthram banana as well.

boiled vegetable water, pomegrante juice hand made can be mixed in dhal rice and can be feeded.

multigrain porridge like ragi can be given.

07:59 PM | 17-07-2019



10:27 PM | 15-07-2019

Weldone dr


12:24 PM | 12-07-2019

Dear Mamatha,

You may want to explore some of the non-dairy curd recipes from our Recipes section:

Coconut Malai Curd

Muskmelon seeds curd

Peanut Curd

Team Wellcure

02:23 PM | 15-07-2019

Hi Hema, thanks for the info. I set the peanut curd but somehow didnt like the taste. Will try other nut milks and curds..


10:53 AM | 17-07-2019

Hema, tried peanut butter milk chaas. It tasted yumm. Thanks for suggesting. It gave a feeling of fullness after today's breakfast as well!


07:46 PM | 15-07-2019

Sure Hema, thanks I will give it some more time and see


02:29 PM | 15-07-2019

That's natural, Mamatha. It's not going to taste like the curd we have grown up liking. Using the peanut curd regularly helps you overcome this conditioning.

Use the peanut curd to make chaas with mint and coriander.
Make kadhi. Use it in different ways.
It's been 5 years now and we only use peanut curd. Takes a little time to get used to the new flavour.

01:09 PM | 12-07-2019

Ok, thank you. I tried the peanut curd... but it didn't set. I tried with chilly crowns as starter. The milk was luke warm. . I let it be for 8 hours. Is there anything wrong in what I am doing due to which it didn't set


01:06 PM | 15-07-2019

Hi Mamatha,
Glad to know that you tried peanut curd.
the chilli crowns don't have a very strong starter culture. Therefore the first time you set curd with it, it will seem like its not good enough.

Here's my suggestion to you. Please make a fresh batch of peanut curd with chilli crowns. Make a small quantity. Add a green chilli cut into two three bits to it.
The curd may not look very well set. Don't lose heart :) Don't throw the curd.
Use that curd as starter and set a fresh batch of curd.
subsequent batches of peanut curd turn out really way better as the culture gets stronger.

Please try and revert.

03:18 PM | 12-07-2019

Please visit NoMilk.com and learn about the ill effects of milk. I would like to congratulate you for having decided to eliminate milk from your daughter's diet.

Animal protein is the root cause of all inflammation in our body, hence milk and all milk products must be avoided. It is difficult but possible. The best alternative to milk is coconut. Learn how to make curd from coconut. It is very simple, just blend the coconut and squeeze lime juice is the simplest of all. Best oil is coconut oil. Try to source cold pressed coconut oil from the market. It is very good and better than any ghee. 

07:48 PM | 15-07-2019

Thanks so much Pramod. We use coconut oil for cooking. I will try coconut curd as well!


05:52 PM | 17-07-2019

Hi Mamatha, 

As discussed, please focus on feeding your baby with your milk whenever possible. 

At this age, your baby will be able to accommodate fruits in her stomach. Please choose juicy fruits in her diet. 

Once again, congratulations for choosing not to give animal milk to your baby! 

Babies will demand whatever is made tasty for them. 
Please do not succumb to the demand, when you have clearer rationales manipulate the situation such a way that it is not sensed as enforcement! 

It is better to remove curd or ghee and ITS ALTERNATIVES from her diet. 

ALTERNATIVES are never a good choice for the mind. 
The mind will take those attractions as attractions towards the REALS (for which the alternatives were chosen). 
Rationally rejecting the alternatives are wiser choices. 

Thank you...

08:50 PM | 17-07-2019

Thank you so much for your guidance..

PSYsolution by Kalyan

05:12 AM | 18-07-2019


09:37 PM | 15-07-2019

I have heard that gently heating coconut milk with a few sprigs of curry leaves, guava leaves and a pinch of turmeric and hing works. Filter the oil after heating and use as you would use ghee. This has a savoury taste. Try it out

Your daughter is quite young so it is easy to fool her :) 

If you buy ghee in your house and other members use it, she will too. So first, you need to stop buying it.

Introduce her to new tastes.. for example,coconut oil, cashew butter etc work well in many dishes. Sesame oil, peanut oils also have a unique taste and flavour. Just make sure to buy organic and cold pressed and use in limited qty.

08:51 PM | 17-07-2019

Thanks Asha. Will try this.


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