
10:05 AM | 18-07-2019

My 12 year old cousin sister is suffering from urinary incontinence. She cannot hold her urine and feces precisely and often wet her pants a little. Kindly suggest something to treat this naturally.

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6 Answers

09:15 AM | 19-07-2019

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control.There are types of it like the functional incontinence or stress incontinence.
In this case at such a young age the problem may be temporary and can be due to the consumption of extremely spiced food, carbonated drinks, chocolate and caffeine

However, it can also be caused due to constipation and any previous history of UTI so kindly watch out if there are episodes like that.

It can be timely reduced to an extent by checking and maintaining adequate body weight, diet should be containing any above mentioned food items, and consumption of fibre rich foods is good if constipation is the case. Make sure that the subject should not drink anything before going to sleep.
Consult a doctor if it doesn't get cured.


06:00 PM | 18-07-2019


Does the Child suffered or suffering from UTI (Urinary Tract Infection ), or drinking more water than her thirsty or Weak Urinary bladder  chances are there to occur such symptoms as mentioned.

Requesting some details like her food habbit, how frequently she passes urine so that can able to suggest even better.



09:15 AM | 19-07-2019

Hi Abhilasha,

It needs more details of the individual's lifestyle etc. to comment more precisely!

First of all, we need to understand, it is only the accumulated toxins which restricts the body to perform its natural activities.

Your cousin is enervated in some or other way, for sure, which is restricting her to perform her eliminations consistently.

The first correction is the CORRECT FOOD - including regular exposure to SUNLIGHT, FRESH AIR. The correct food is the natural unprocessed food, primarily fruits, as much as possible. The correct simple INPUTS conserve a lot of vitality and reduce the enervation a lot.

The obviously, one needs to look at the physical activities and mental state of the individual for its relaxing consistency.

It would be great if the parent or immediate guardianof the child can consult with a competent Nature Cure practitioner for guidance to conserve vitality.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

01:54 PM | 18-07-2019

Is she still on dairy or other animal foods? I have read many studies which show that these foods cause irritation and inflammation in the bladder and this results in such problems.

Please get your niece off all animal products and let her have only fresh home-cooked food at least for a period of 3 months, It's going to be tough but I am sure she would like to see a cure and see where it goes.

Please also check on her emotional status. At this age, they are also going through so many things in their own life which we feel are unimportant but it is incredibly important for them. Does she get enough attention at home?

All the best.

09:12 AM | 19-07-2019

Sir,she is sufferi6from this since 7 to 8 years.and she is not on any diet including any animal product except milk that too very scant.


06:01 PM | 18-07-2019

1. Change of lifestyle is must. No refined flour, no aerated drinks and no animal protein including dairy. Parents need to change their lifestyle and she will follow.
2. Fear. Please check for situations making the child insecure or forcing fear. Fighting parents, single parent or any other social issue if exists then there is a need to address it. Repeated assurance and love will help. School bullying, check neighbourhood or any other place that she goes for abuse.
3. If the reasons stated above do not exist then do not worry. Some children do take time to such issues.

01:54 PM | 18-07-2019

Hello, does she have a history of UTI or constipation’s / did she develop it recently / she has been this way since a long time ? Let us know about her food habits and lifestyle including her activity levels as a 12 year old. It’s best to know thesebefore I suggest some methods to resolve this issue. 

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