
09:00 AM | 23-07-2019

My friend is in depression. He always seems to be very sad. He most of time lost his temper while talking and become angry easily. And also don't confident on what he was doing. Can any one suggest what shall I do for him

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3 Answers

12:15 PM | 23-07-2019


Depression is psychological condition in which the patient panics, suffers from social anxiety, feel excessively self-conscious and is worried about unrealistic problems.

can last for six months or more and can affect normal activities, job performance and relationships. Patients with anxiety disorders worry excessively about their health, money & career among other things.

This can leads to fatigue, irritability, muscular aches, insomnia/sleep disorders, abdominal upsets, dizziness, irritability and poor concentration.

It is better that your friend can engage himself in any work gives him satisfaction, improve on his skill and participate in any social activities.

Mingle with good friends, have some councelling. Breathe fresh air. Have a brisk walk. Do yoga and meditation. Practice some mudra from the expert.

Read some books, can travel some nice place.

Breathing exercises: Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy.


09:17 AM | 23-07-2019

Dear Pravin,

We have active participation of users in our Q&A forum. We had a similar query regarding depression sometime back. You may follow the thread here.

Team Wellcure

03:19 PM | 23-07-2019

Hei Pravin , if your friend is having depression then first of all talk to him . Try to know the cause that lead him to this and help him to over come that.
Make sure his family is supportive .
Help him to break his regular routine patterns .May be all he needs is a  Little push to get back on track .

Start taking him to any sport centre , gym or yoga centre . Make sure his environment is positive and start doing 5 min Om chanting with him.

Fix his sleeping and waking up hours .
Add satvic meals in his diet .
Simple boiled vegetables , juices , soups . 

Add Brahmi , Shankhpushpi in his diet . 

Help him heal.

Stay active Stay healthy ❤️

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