
06:59 PM | 23-07-2019

I am 41 yr old lady and I admit that I have very poor eating habits, but issue is of gastritis and bloating of stomach that bother me a lot. Any suggestion to improve please

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5 Answers

08:20 AM | 24-07-2019

Namaste Vasudhaji,

You have answered your own question. The gastritis and bloating is for sure due to poor eating habits.

And habits can be improved. And yes its always possible to get help to improve yourself, be it physically, mentally or spiritually.

Before we go into further details, let us understand why one gets into poor eating habits? Most often than not it is the result of our over active mind, disturbed emotions or negetive emotions, etc. The monkey mind keeps playing up and we out of habit keep eating unmindfully. So to control our monkey mind and keep it at peace we need to learn some new habits.

The stomach or the digestive system is the one which nourishes our brains by supplying it nutrients through the blood. So to nourish our brains properly it is very improtant that out digestive system works perfectly and that there should be no old matter stagnant or accumulated in the gut and colon.The cleaner your gut, better the quality of your blood and better will be the brains health. A healthy brain would have clarity of thought and not let you indulge in unmindful eating.

What are the foods that could help you with cleansing, healing and nourishing at the same time? Locally grown , fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetable are the best cleansers, healers and nourishers. The ideal proportions could be 50%of fruits,35% of vegetables, !0%of grains and 5 % percent of soaked nuts. Eliminate all white sugar, white salt, refined flours,oils etc.

And for further nourishment of your brain get into nature. The sun, air, mud, water and space work wonders on your system as they are the original sources of energy that nourishes you over all.

Sleep and rest well. Do some physical excercise everyday like yoga, walking or gardening. It can help you move your toxins and support the process of nourishment of your whole system.

All said and done its always best to get a proper diagnisis done and get a personalised support plan made. You can always reach out if you need further help.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner

08:49 AM | 24-07-2019


Following are some Do's and Don'ts


Eat a lot of fruits till 12 noon

Eat a lot of salads

Add lemon in your diet take lemon shots Squeeze it and drink it will give you immediate relief.

Drink vegetable juices.

Take brown or red rice rather than wheat.


Eliminate diary from your diet.

Do not eat fruits after the main meal.

No packaged stuff like biscuits, namkeen etc etc.snack on fruits majorly.

For healthy recipes of fruit smoothies, vegetable juices, oil free dishes and diary/sugar free sweets visit our recipe section.

Take care


08:20 AM | 24-07-2019

Hello Vasudha Ji, 

I hope the following remedies will help you in your gastritis and stomach bloating problems.

  1. First thing is, include probiotics in your diet regularly.
  2. Drink warm water, it soothes the digestive system.
  3. Drink green tea with honey regularly and avoid caffeinated drinks.
  4. Try taking yoga classes or start on your own. Stress is a major contributory factor in gastritis. So it is of utmost importance to reduce stress and have a healthy lifestyle.
  5. You can take coconut water daily or when the pain starts in the stomach. It soothes the stomach lining thereby helps in reducing pain and inflammation.
  6. Papayas are a great source for reducing the inflammation.

Good luck :)
Message me personally, if you wish to ask anything in more detail.  

08:19 AM | 24-07-2019


First we should understandy why this problem occurs in our system. 

Either Habitual of overeating
Consuming uncooked food
Excessive tea, coffee or stress, Mental depression.

All this leads to Bloated stomach, Heartburn, Uneasiness and Headache.

you can cure this naturally and follow simple diet and lifestyle.

First maintain time for good sleep, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner on time without skipping.

Drink 2 cups of coconut water every day.

Have dinner at least 2 hrs before bedtime

Chew 1 tsp of fennel seeds after every meal

Avoid drinking water along with meals as this dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion.

follow this and see how it works.

08:19 AM | 24-07-2019

Hi Vasudha,

Really appreciate the truth which you have shared about your eating habits. You have the answer in your question itself!

Your body needs the right kind of food to work appropriately, otherwise it shows symptoms of discomfort. For instance if we add water to a vehicle which runs on petrol will it function? Likewise, our human body also requires the right fuel for it to function properly.Eat the right food, chew slowly and stay physically active. Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you,


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