
09:56 AM | 24-07-2019

Hi, I am 25 years old female. I have been diagnosed with hypertension. I am overweight by approx 20 kg. What are something's I can do to control my blood pressure naturally so that I can get off the medications. Also, would love some weight loss tips too.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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6 Answers

03:25 PM | 24-07-2019


Hypertension is elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. 
The increase in blood pressure depends upon a person’s age, physical and mental activities, family history, and diet. Normal blood pressure of a healthy adult individual.

Unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyles are the causes of hypertension today. Most of the food items that we consume – fast foods or items packed with preservatives and chemicals – create digestive problems in the body. Impaired digestion leads to accumulation of ama (toxins), which further lead to the high blood pressure.

Additionally, stress, anxiety and negative mental feelings also cause increase in blood pressure. Other causes could be history of BP in the family, obesity, lack of exercise, consumption of high-fat and low-fiber diet, excessive intake of tea, coffee, and refined foods, etc.

Increase use of garlic, lemon, parsley, Indian gooseberry (amla), watermelon, grapefruit, skim milk and cottage cheese. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure; brisk walking, jogging, swimming and athletics are good options. Laughter is the best medicine, as it relieves stress and anxiety, which are the main causes of high blood pressure in today’s lifestyle.

Make a juice of 3-4 garlic cloves, 10-12 basil leaves, and one fourth cup of of wheat grass. Have once a day.

Mix 1 teaspoon of onion juice with an equal amount of honey. Take once a day for 1 week. Upon noticing improvement, continue for several more days.

Weight loss: Morning take lukewarm lime juice water one glass by adding 1/4th tea spoon of pepper powder and 1 spoon juice of ginger and drink it and go for a brisk walk. Do this for 48 days and see the improvement.


06:39 PM | 25-07-2019

Hi there,

If you need a single solution to all of your problem then your search ends at the arms of Nature Cure.


All of your problems are nothing but toxin accumulation due to lack of conserved vitality in the body.

You need to identify the factors of your lifestyle which are depleting your vitality more than the normal. When you can reverse those habits, your health will reverse by throwing the toxins from within.

Please consult with a competent Nature Cure practitioner to sketch a plan of your lifestyle to take the responsibility of your health on to your hand.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

Anonymous User
09:53 AM | 26-07-2019

Start listening binaural beats and write positive affirmations on a paper and read it continuously 5-7 day with a positive mind set it will help you alot. Be in touch with mother nature. Only doctor for our all problems whether it is physical, mental or spiritual. Have a good day 

11:37 AM | 25-07-2019

Dear Cheryl,

You may want to read some of the Health Journeys of weight loss and hypertension

Do read this article in the Body Wisdom section - Blood Pressure - from nature's perspective.

Also, you may want to enrol yourself for our Weight Management program coming up shortly.

Team Wellcure

03:26 PM | 24-07-2019

Hi there , 

First of all I'd advise you to cut down your weight . Hypertension and overweight or obesity mostly goes hand in hand and because of which your high blood pressure can be because of your lack of physical activities resulting in the increased body weight . If you want to cut down the medicine dosage please refer your physician and just don't stop it immediately as it might result in complications . However there are many natural and simple ways to cut down your weight . You can always start with physical activities or exercise , just an hour or two everyday will automatically help you in decreasing your weight . Drink 3-4 liters of water daily , Avoid junk and oily fried food items , consume more greens and fruits , reduce the intake of carbs and consume more dietry fibers and yes yoga and meditation will help you . 

03:26 PM | 24-07-2019


Our bodies are designed to be healthy and free from disease and sickness. But, we need to support by providing the right envirenment. Lifestyle changes will help you get rid of your Bp medication and your weight as well. It is great that you have decided on following this path. The next step is have belief in yourself and your body. You could incorporate a couple of things in your daily regime, physical activity, exposure to sunlight, pranayam & meditation . Take care of the food you consume. Avoid dairy and all animal foods. Incorporate lots of food provided by mother nature. This includes raw vegetables and fruits. An overall holistic approach will help you free from medication and reach your ideal body weight. You can visit our Journeys section and read many inspiring stories about how people have revesed this and many more conditions. Wish you Good Health Always!

Thank you,


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