
09:54 AM | 24-07-2019

Hi, why is vegan diet recommended? Can anyone provide a logical explanation to avoid dairy products?

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5 Answers

03:01 PM | 24-07-2019

Hello Akanksha

1 One logic that I understood was that human beings are the only species in the whole of the world who is consuming the milk of another mammal after weaning from his mothers milk.

2 Every mammals milk composition is such that it supports the growth of its own species as per their natural laws. Like a human child takes longer time to grow and become independent. but a calf grows faster and become self sustaining much before a human child could become.

3 The other reason that appealed to me was the cows are kept tied and they are reared only for their milk, meat, leather etc. Any animal that humans are able to use for their purposes end up losing their freedom. I wouldnt enjoy being tied and kept in confinement as a living being. I am sure the cow doesnt enjoy that too. Every animal is free to walk the earth. No species has a right to take away that right from any other species.

4 The cows are injected and arfificially impregnated so that it can produce calves and milk. The bulls are sent away to the slaughter houses as soon as they are born as they dont reproduce or produce any milk.

5 You may have noticed very often kids are diagnosed as being lactose intolerant when they are taken to the doctors in their childhood with stomach complaints. This too is a clear cut indication that the cows milk is designed to be digest by a calf and not by a human being.

6 The way cows are fed in the western countries from farms, to make them fatter and make them produce more milk, has turned into a major environmental hazard.Large forests have been cut down to make place for planting grasslands for the cows feeds. The mount of water that goes into the watering of the grass lands actually are adding on to the hazards of global warming.

The list can go on.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner


03:28 PM | 24-07-2019

Thanks ma'am, for this detailed information :)


03:01 PM | 24-07-2019


जीव जंतु द्वारा मिलने वाले भोजन को पचाने में हमारे शरीर को अधिक समय लगता है । 

शरीर उसको ठीक से ना पचा पाए  और पूरी तरीक़े से निष्कासन ना होने पर शरीर के स्वस्थ रहने प्रकिया में रुकावट आती है।

(assimilation)पाचन और (elimination) निष्कासन ही स्वस्थ शरीर की अहम प्रक्रिया है।

रेशेदार हरी साग सब्ज़ी फल सहज ही पच जाता है और शरीर से सहज ही निष्कासित हो जाता है।

03:00 PM | 24-07-2019

Please check the content on Youtube by Sharan - India, by Nandita Shah. She has extensively discussed on this topic.

To summarize, below are the reasons:

1. Each mammal produces milk for its own offspring. No other animals drink the milk of other mammals. The mother - child can only connect through its own milk and not while feeding the milk of other mammals.

It is also unethical to do so because cow's milk is exclusively for its calf.

2. The milk produced by a cow has composition that is suitable for growth and development of a calf. A calf reaches full size in 18 months, where as a human child grows full size in 18 yrs. So anatomically, it makes no sense to feed a child cow's milk.

3. Today's dairy industry is very materialised and run for the sake of money. Cows are cruelly artificially inseminated and made to conceive every year so they keep up their milk production. They are injected with oxytocin to boost milk production. These hormones pass on to us and have ill effects when we drink milk.

4. Lastly, today urban cows can be seen feeding on plastic mostly. Many cows when operated have 60 - 80 kgs of plastic which will be passed on to humans as PCBs. This is again very harmful.

I have given the reasons I could think of. Please go through documentaries like: The plastic cow, Cowspiracy to know more details.


Hope that helps, cheers!

04:43 PM | 24-07-2019

You could also read Wellcure's blog - https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/16/is-dairy-a-habit-or-a-need

Akansha Sharma

06:59 PM | 24-07-2019

Thanks for sharing ma'am, went through it.

03:29 PM | 24-07-2019

Thanks ma'am.


03:00 PM | 24-07-2019

Hi Akansha,

Our body is designed to work best in an alkaline medium. All fruits and vegetables provise a favourable environment for the body to function. Milk on the other hand or for that matter any animal product is acidic by nature. When consumed by the body, it creates an imbalance of ph. The body tries to restore it back to a favourable ph, by leaching out minerals like calcium,magnesium etc from the bones. Moreover, we humans are the only species which consume milk of other animal species.

When our bodies are given a favourable environment we notice how we gain good health. Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you,


11:28 AM | 25-07-2019

Dear Akansha,

You may want to read this article from our Body Wisdom section: Is Dairy a habit or a need?

Also, you may consider opting for Wellcure Buddy Services. In this program, you get insights about Natural Lifestyle and transition tips for a smooth switch over.

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