
10:27 AM | 20-08-2019

I wanted to ask all health practitioners, do you recommend vaccination? Why or why not? Kindly present your views.

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11 Answers

08:44 PM | 20-08-2019


Namaste Akanksha Sharma 

I don’t believe in vaccination. My son who is 22 has never had any vaccine but unfortunately my daughter had the ones they give at birth and no vaccines after that as I could not go to the right person to help me deliver my baby naturally. Most of my brothers, sisters and nephews aren’t vaccinated.

And we are all doing very well....thanks to my father who was an ardent believer in nature. 

Reasons why we don’t need vaccines 

There are germs all around us.... in air, water and soil. They are just other creatures of nature just like us. They do not make our bodies their homes unless we create a very congenial environment and provide with food for them to thrive on.  They just keep moving in and out without affecting us much if our system is clean and not filled with toxic wastes. 

How does a vaccine work? 

The logic the doctors give for how the vaccines work is they introduce the particular organisms into our body in a half dead state in a chemical based medium which is laden with toxic metals and chemicals which otherwise we would never dare to put into the body of a just born. The body then reacts to the foreign matter and develop a resistance towards that particular germ. 

There are uncountable germs in the environment which could fancy some particular quality in the toxin in your body and decide to thrive there. So How many new vaccines you would need every other month or year to keep the germs from making your body their temporary homes. 

The best way out of it is live in sync with nature.... eat species specific food, conserve vitality and keep the germs where they belong. 

A new born is so clean and pure( if you haven’t started poisoning his system from the day he entered your womb) how could we ever have the heart to inject germs and chemical toxins into it in the name of protecting it, but on the contrary we make him more susceptible and vulnerable. Vaccines have come into existence only since a century or so.... but man has lived happily and healthily since time immemorial......

To me vaccinations are no less than a way to take human beings towards mass extinction. 


Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature Cure Practitioner 

07:42 AM | 22-08-2019

I appreciate your decision , in not vaccinating your children.


08:42 PM | 20-08-2019

Dear  aakaknsha, Being a student of  nature cure, The  chapter on  vaccination should be a part of your curriculum, if  not  then the  authorities  that would be  should with immediate effect  include  it. In  Basic N  cure  we are  vehemently against it  for the  simple reason that it is  highly  inimical, hazardous, disease  breeder,.The  filth (there is nothing then this) is  derived from  pus  of  various  animals. In  fact there are  volumes  and  volumes  have been written  against its  use 

  •     I am a 72 year old and in  Nature cure  for the past  43 years having two  children  aged aged  36 and 33 yes  have not been  vaccinated  and  my  granddaughter  8 yrs old  is not  vaccinated, this  should  suffice to  strengthen up  your  convictions  that  vaccination  is  totally  unnecessary, unwanted, inimical, hazardous, disease  breeder 
  •    In  fact  many  disease  of  later  years  are a  aftermath  of  vaccinations 
  •    There's  a  long  long  case  study  and  knowledge  on the subject but due to  constraints of  space  cannot not be  elaborated  here. I hope that doubts are cleared 
  •      V.S.Pawar  MIINT 


08:41 PM | 20-08-2019

Hi Akansha,

Please read about what goes into a vaccine, what are the ingredients and what are the side effects and you will have the answers you need.

Please also research about germ theory and soil theory. You can read this from the article here

Please do note that the amount of vaccines being advised now is much much more than what we got as children.

We all need to contemplate if this is necessary.

Please also check on fb. There are many such educative groups.

Make your best decision! 

08:41 PM | 20-08-2019

I never recommend because instead of body immune we are inviting body to create immunity against the body which is creating cancer by the body itself
We must adopt natural means to immunise the body 
I will suggest to immunise mother by adopting Hindu Sanskar vidhi
Vascination is basically seeding cancer in children pls save nation 

12:03 PM | 22-08-2019

Hi - this is Prashanthi Atluri.

I am an allopath trained in cardiology, I practice in the West.

I never questioned vaccines during my entire training .. I accepted what I was taught in western medicine textbooks and funded WHO programs.

One day I was looking up issues with learning when my daughter was struggling at the age of 5. One book mentioned chemicals and heavy metals in vaccination that could create major issues for all of us. That’s when I started my own research of vaccinations, vax policies and recommendations and I learnt I opened pandora’s Box of lies, myths and coverups by greedy, corrupt western medicine.

1. Look at the ingredients

2. Look at the history surroundthe implementation and fear mongering surrounding each vaccine.

3. Money trail .. medico legal aspects.. mutations involving detoxing those toxins .. vaccine injury courts ... pay offs .. gushing up parents .. media corruption.

4. Polio and small pox are used for fear mongering .. real story behind them has been covered up

5. I can recommend you to few vaccine groups .. we have a WhatsApp group too!


i agree with what rest of the naturopathswrote here

12:01 PM | 22-08-2019

Natural acquired active immunity occurs when a person is exposed to the live pathogen, gets the disease and then develops antibodies to that particular antigen, and this is the way nature designed things to be, Edward Jenner the father of vaccinations took the pus of people infected with cow pox and injected it into people who later developed antibodies to that particular antigen to prevent small pox. This is artificial acquired active immunity. 
There is a lot of difference between both in how the immune system reacts and gets affected. Again there are a lot of preservatives like aluminium and mercury-added to vaccines, these are toxins which are neurotoxic.
        When one has a healthy immune system(in young children the immune system is not well developed until a certain age)which should be passed on from the mother to the child through breastfeeding, vaginal delivery and so on, if the child is healthy from the beginning or in fact right from fertilization, then the child can definitely acquire the defence mechanism to overcome the disease(for example, chickenpox) at the same time become naturally immunized to chickenpox. 
           Thus if one is against vaccinations, then they should follow all the laws of health and maintain a sound immune system, in such a situation vaccines are definitely not needed.
          Dentistry being my profession, we being in the high-risk group of contracting hepatitis, the Indian dental association, has arranged for a free vaccination camp for all dentists in our area, I have decided not to have that vaccine.

12:00 PM | 22-08-2019

In my opinion vaccinations are medicines. Somebody decided to inject scavengers into the little child’s body hoping that it will produce antibodies for a future disease that it has not contacted. I am working with kids with autism and other similar issues which I believe is one of the side effects of vaccinations. Before we even contest the decision of whether vaccinations must be given or no it is very important to understand that the health of the parents, plays a vital role in determining the vitality of the child. In my opinion, this is the first stage when the child becomes vulnerable. Mothers stress, mothers anxiety issues mothers food habits her trauma and stress in life plays a major role in determining the health of the child, so when the child with a lower vitality which is already vulnerable is born on earth, It’s obviously a derailed by the effect of vaccinations. Instead of the child’s body producing antibodies for for the live cultures injected it instead sees a situation weather live cultures takes over the fragile and vulnerable body of the child and starts affecting its CNS.  Hence when we deal with the subject of vaccinations is my opinion that we have to go a step back and take extra precautions for parents to take care of themselves and avoid any such issues with the child may become vulnerable to such attacks. I would not like to go to the debate of that but my focus will still be to insist on the health of the parents before they decide to give birth to a child. Vaccinations are not an answer to the wrong living conditions. 

Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

09:37 PM | 01-09-2019

I agree ma'am, but in today's world of toxins and chemicals.. when microbes are getting highly resistant, it is still possible to avoid vaccination?

Smitha Hemadri

10:11 PM | 01-09-2019

That itself Is a very good preventive mechanism for the body. In my opinion to be mothers have to really pay attention to leading the week in lifestyle, and to maintain a very highEmotional balance to begin with. All this is based on my observation of the kids and their families affected in this area and the commonality I see their lives.

Smitha Hemadri

10:09 PM | 01-09-2019

Akanksha, there can be a lot of toxins and chemicals in the world. It will only affect us when we don’t put the effort to keep ourselves clean. It is important to focus on physical and emotional healing. Emotional healing in my opinion plays a extremely major role. To keep an emotional balance, mental poise is very important to stay away from majority of the issues. Isn’t that in our control? We do have food pollution water pollution air-pollution. We don’t have that in control. However it is very important for us to ensure that at a minimum we avoid all kind of animal products, stay high onfruits, keep it keep an emotional balance, stay moderate on exercises.

Anonymous User
05:50 PM | 21-08-2019

Hi. I am not a health practioner per se, although I read a lot on those. There’s various studies which are against vaccination. Reason, our body is well sufficient and don’t need deliberate injection of viruses and bacteria’s to fight those very same.

We Just need to support our body to function to its full potential.


08:42 PM | 20-08-2019

I would put in this way, if the world was freefrom pollution and we did get healthy food, environment and air to breath I am sure,we would have  had a great immune system to fight any type of infection but on contrary we dont have those mentioned above and we need extra dose of immunity which is given through vaccinations and hence we might need vaccinations to fight bacterial infection.

With the above mentioned conditions and taking into account I am of the opinion that we need vaccinations...

08:41 PM | 20-08-2019



जीवाणु बाहर हैं उसके लिए आपके शरीर को ग्राह्यशील बनाने के लिए उसी जीवाणु का कुछ अंश आपके शरीर में डाल देते हैं जो कि अस्वास्थ्यकर है। इससे हमारी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता नष्ट होती है। शरीर उन जीवाणुओं के दंश को झेलता है जो की उसका अंश नहीं है बल्कि बाहर से थोंपा गया है। ये शरीर के स्वस्थ रहने के आत्मज्ञान (self healing mechanism of body) को नुक़सान पहुँचाता है।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली शिक्षिका (Nature Cure Educator)



08:43 PM | 20-08-2019

Hello Akansha :)

Just wanted to know if you were talking about vaccinations for the child those that are mandatory? In that case, I would say at this point since children are vulnerable and succumb to external viruses easily, they need to be vaccinated for a certain period of time after which they can be independent and kept of the vaccinations if they are given a good diet to follow. 

Also, mothers milk is the best to increase the immunity in children, nursing child till 18 months can help them in a long run. After that a very nutritious diet can be followed for the child which not only nourishes them but helps them with their growth advancements.


07:04 AM | 22-08-2019

There are no mandatory vaccines. Vaccines do not provide an immunity. Each vaccine is essentially a dose of poison, that has been propagated as something that helps build immunity

Dr. Stuti Nilesh Pardh...

07:37 AM | 22-08-2019

There are some vaccines as listed below, child's inner system doesn't have the source to create them by itself, if these vaccines aren't taken Children are prone and succumb to them at the later part of their life

Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTaP)

Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA)

Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB)

Hib vaccine.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Influenza vaccine.

Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR)

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