
06:36 PM | 25-07-2019

I am getting treated for many problems such as addition deases, post t. B. Bronchitis copd, fatty liver, high cholesterol, potassium high, glaucoma. Allis being treated allopathically. Solution from wellcure is required.

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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6 Answers

09:42 AM | 26-07-2019

Namaste Ganga Thakur

You are trying to treat the symptoms, which will not give you a long term solution for good health.

You need to understand that what ever issues you are suffering from is due to unhealthy lifestyle and food habits.If you wish to have a healthy life, free of diseases, then this is the right place to look for it. Please get a proper diagnosis done by a nature cure practitioner and start on your journey with lifestyle changes that can slowly support your change towards good health.

Be happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner

11:48 AM | 26-07-2019

Go for morning walk. And start doing meditation 

09:42 AM | 26-07-2019

1. Deep breathing half an hour.
2. Sunbathing one hour.
3. Spinal cord exercise for half an hour.
4. Meditation and prayers for half an hour.
5. Switch to fruits and raw vegetables for 180 days, this will greatly help in toxin elimination that has accumulated due to medication and also speed up your recovery.

09:42 AM | 26-07-2019

Please provide more details of your health history, food habits , living habits, amount of medicines , treatments

09:42 AM | 26-07-2019

Hi there , 

First of all can you tell which among the following mentioned diseases are more severe right now so that following steps can be advised and since all the diseases cannot be treated at the same time .

12:42 PM | 29-07-2019

Hello. It will be best if you work one-on-one with a Nature Cure expert who can understand your full background & give you a course of action based on your needs.

We will mail you the contact details. 

In good health
Team Wellcure

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