
03:03 PM | 31-08-2018

Can you please share natural body butter options... Also wanted to know why coconut oil is not as effective in winters? I have loads of fruits and veggies but still have dry skin.

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11 Answers

11:59 AM | 04-09-2018

The key to using oils is to use them on moist skin. Oils get absorbed when mixed with water. That’s why we steam our faces post massage during a facial. Similarly we get our scalps steamed post a massage in a salon. So always use coconut oil or any other oil of choice right after shower, on moist skin. Massage it in. Your skin will become silky smooth.

06:15 PM | 05-09-2019



11:18 AM | 19-09-2018

I would like to put forth my views, even though this is considered women’s domain!  I have dry skin and i have been using coconut oil (winter and summer) for the past 7.5yrs. I swear by it. Including some healthy dietary fat would also help address dryness.

11:17 AM | 19-09-2018

You should focus on incorporating healthy fats in your diet. It would be Virgin organic coconut oil, nuts(soak overnight, rinse and consume), ghee (organic cow milk), oily fishes (organic) unless you are a vegan. It has to be a two pronged approach....moisturise inside out and maintain and remoisten on the outside.

10:48 AM | 16-11-2018

Hi I have used body butters from Natuur, forest essentials.  These do work esp if you are like me who has perennial dry skin.

In my case the quality of water makes a lot of difference.  Gurgaon water is really hard, so all that salt and lime deposits is too harsh on skin.  Cannot do much about that though.

However, one of the key things I did was switch off soaps totally.  Yes, no soaps at all.  Many times I do feel like using soap (as a bath doesn’t feel complete).  In that case I buy a natural oil based soap (chemical free) from same brands and apply it just to get the ‘feel’ of a bath.  Interstingly, these soaps then last a long time as I do not use daily. But even with these my skin tends to become dry and then I have to apply even heavier doses of natural body butters.  So a simpler solution is to not do soap baths at all.

I sometimes do a scrub with almond powder, besan (that may dry you up too) or papaya mash – but mostly it’s a water only bath.

Food wise, I have upped my raw intake of fruits, veggies, veggie juices etc.  In winters I use good quality (mostly cold pressed) til oil (sesame).  The only problem is if you do this right after bath, your clothes will have a funny strong smell. 

In my case a combination of oiling, and using natural body butter works

Hope this helps!

11:59 AM | 04-09-2018

We prefer lotions to creams or oils as they are water based. And they get absorbed in skin easily. But then they are chemicals laden!! Better is to either massage post bath on moist skin. Or to get a steam post a full body massage. And use pure edible cold pressed oils only.

06:50 PM | 09-09-2019

Coconut oil is very much effective in winters.
On your holidays you can warm the coconut oil and add some turmeric with it and apply on your body. By massaging you will activate blood circulation and it will retain moisture in your skin.

Massaging helps alot.

Take care.

10:19 AM | 06-09-2019

hello Mayuri,
personally I don't suggest lotion coz they contain parrafin which makes a layer on skin and makes our skin dry. In winter mustard oil ,olive oil is much better than any lotion or cream. sometimes i use boroplus or boroline to moisturise the skin which has no harmful effects.

11:27 AM | 15-11-2018

A good practice is weekly body massages. Get someone to come and give it to u every weekend. It's an investment of time and money which you must make on yourself.

10:49 AM | 08-09-2019

To moisturize and get a better supple skin you can use coconut oil / almond oil daily.  In winter you can use mustard oil as its having heating property. 
For cleansing or brightening the skin you use olive oil.  Apply on face and arms before going to bath,  massage few mins and take bath. 

10:32 AM | 06-09-2019

What happens when the car gets hot ? After engine effect comes on the car body. It looks like the situation is the same. Each of us has a different body reaction to what is happening inside. Some have skin issues, some digestion, hair fall. 

Besides diet, you need to observe your stress levels. If they are too high then managing them is the key.

One of the functions of our food is to provide material for repair and rejuvenation. We may be having the right foods in the right proportion ( 60-80% natural foods please refer to our blog natural foods) but if the body is not digesting and processing them then your body will not build right structures which may be reflected in brittle bones, hair and skin.

So, I suggest you evaluate your stress levels and digestion levels and address the root cause for a long term solution to your skin issues.

In short term please use any of the following:

Riped papaya face pack

Coconut water (instead of oil) moisturisation 



05:21 PM | 05-09-2019

I used to have extremely dry skin. A scaly scalp, a very dry and scaly skin. I could not live without Vaseline skin moisturiser. I could not live without oil in my hair and also washing my hair frequently with shampoo.
After I turned vegan and moved to a cleaner eating, I removed all the animal products from my diet for other health issues  I faced. In parallel, my scalp also got better, I healed from my dandruff. I had lots of skin issues and allergies. I did not know any better and continued to use chemicals on my skin. My skin continued to remain dry. My healing happened overall from inside and by the time I healed from skin allergies, I slowly started removing all forms of chemicals touching my body. That’s when I got freedom from all kinds of dryness on my skin. Today I do not apply any moisturiser on my face and it is soft and supple. I do not apply any kind of moisturiser on my body and I still don’t feel any dryness on my skin. I do not apply any oil on my head and my hair is soft and silky.
I use the following recipe every single week for my hair and body and it has been a couple of years now. I have also stopped using all kinds of face powder and cosmetics. I don’t miss any of the greases on my body. I can’t forget how much I was addicted to Nivea creme. 

Overall it’s very important to heal the body from inside with a lot of raw diet, sweat a lot using exercises, and also ensuring that you don’t toxify your body with more chemicals by applying them on the hair or on the body

Hair was moisturiser 

Following Can be prepared once a week and refrigerated and used for both body and hair 


following moisturiser can be prepared at home



Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

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