
08:59 AM | 30-07-2019

I have severe breast pain before one week of my periods. People say it's normal, but I can't bear it...

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2 Answers

04:52 PM | 31-07-2019

Hello Ji,

Yes you are right.

Most women experience certain symptoms as their period date approaches. Known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), these include mood changes, behaviour changes and physical discomfort and can occur up to 10 days prior a period.

Physical symptoms:

Abdominal pain and bloating
Tender breasts
Swelling of the hands or feet
Nausea and weight gain
Pain in the joints or back can also occur before a period begins.
Painful cramps are also an indication that menstrual bleeding is soon approaching

To overcome this,

Exercise lightly each day, such as walking or stretching on a regular basis.
Have a good sleep at night.
Avoid heavy, oily, sour, fried, and indigestible foods
Have freshly prepared, warm, and easily digestible meals.
Eat fruits like apple, pomegranate, avoid stress, Have a regular body massage with sesame oil.

This natural life style will improve your upcoming cycle smooth.

Thanks and takecare.

04:52 PM | 31-07-2019

Hi Ramya. What we learn to call 'normal' & live with is infact body's way of communicating with us that something needs action.

Mensuration can be completely pain free & without any pre menstrual syndrome if your body is clean of toxic waste. I say this not just by knowing about it but more by experiencing it myself & hearing it from many women around who follow a natural lifestyle.

Our mensuration is governed by hormones (estrogen, progesterone, etc) & when there is some kind of imbalance in the hormonal levels, it reflects in the form of breast pain, mood swings, aches & pains, low energy, heaviness, etc. The good news is that you can always reclaim your health by helping the body attain homeostasis - its state of balance.

I suggest you explore Wellcure's Buddy services to help you transition to a natural lifestyle.

In the meanwhile, avoid:

  1. artificial hormones that get into your body through non veg, dairy & chemicals. 
  2. white sugar
  3. reduce grains


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